Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

July 20, 2015

Celebration Month Day 20

Filed under: Gratitude,Life,Travel — gardener @ 10:18 am

parkYou know the saying- time flies when you’re having fun. That fits me to a ‘T’ for this celebration month. Last week we spent some time away together. A little break away from everything a few hours from here. We spent some time with friends, and had an amazing time.  It was extremely relaxing, and that’s something we both loved.

One of my favorite parts of the get-away was spending some time at a nearby park area.   We parked the car near a fly fishing farm and then wandered through the open fields, and towards the huge lake.   From there, we walked around it-  stopping along the way to take photos and admire the nature around us.

We even found a cherry tree loaded with cherries and picked a few to enjoy.   That was my first time to have an actual cherry straight from the tree, outside of the mountain cherries that mom and diddy have.

This week-   more blissful moments.   A friend of coming over for dinner on Wednesday- and on Saturday a group of friends and myself will head to his town and do a pizza workshop with him as our teacher.   We’ll cook it in a wood fired oven outside, and enjoy the fruits of our labor.

When I think about all of life’s little blessings-  all I can do is smile.

January 27, 2015

Back in the Saddle

Filed under: Holidays,Home,Things I Love,Travel — gardener @ 4:28 am

I didn’t have much time to spend writing when we were on our trip home. Instead, I spent all of my time focused on spending time with the people I love dearly.

We had adventures on top of adventures, and a few that we didn’t even bargain for- but it made the journey even better. I didn’t have a lot of time for pause, and to think about 2015, but now that we are back home- and I’m getting back into the swing of things- I’m not only being proactive in the great things swirling around for this year, but I’m also pulling a few things together that will allow me to continue to learn and grow.

I have a couple of workshops that I’ll be attending- all in the spirit of learning, plus new potential business ventures on the horizon. I am blessed beyond words, and grateful beyond measure.

December 9, 2014

Long Time No See…

Filed under: Gratitude,Life,Travel — gardener @ 10:41 am

I can’t believe how long it has been since I’ve posted here. WAY too long! I would love to share some excuses as to why- but the short reality is- I’ve been busy.

I’m now ‘home sweet home’ for the holidays, and we are having a blast. We’ve shared the love of the coast with our friends from home- and enjoyed every minute of it. Now we’re playing catch-up with more family and friends- and it’s so fun spending time with everyone again.

I’m so grateful for the people in my life- those who are there and whom I can count on through thick and thin. I am so blessed, and try never to take that for granted.

Merry Christmas season to everyone who happens to darken the doors of this space. May your season be very merry and bright.

October 18, 2014

Final Countdown

Filed under: Holidays,Home,Travel — gardener @ 12:14 pm

Less than 30 days til departure- but who’s counting right? haha MEEEE, that’s who!

September 18, 2014


Filed under: Holidays,Home,Things I Love,Travel — gardener @ 10:48 am

We are on the countdown til vacation! YES!! I tend to check the flight app a couple of times a week for no other reason than to look at the countdown til ‘check-in’ and feel the joy it brings me to know that our vacation isn’t too far away. We have been making plans and looking forward to spending time with family and friends during the holiday season.

Can you tell I’m a tad bit excited?

May 21, 2014

Let the Planning Begin

Filed under: Travel — gardener @ 12:56 pm

Technically, the planning has already started, but now it’s ‘official’- I’ve started looking at plane tickets for our trip home this coming holiday season. Ironically, I’ve even started getting little notes here and there from people asking if we would please reserve some time for them, because they’d really love to see us- That alone makes me smile.

This is the time of the year when we usually book our flights. Generally there is a flight sale around Memorial Day, and with the price of airline tickets going up,up,up we need a discount. With that being said, discount or not, if all goes as planned, we’ll be booking our flights in the next few days- and heading home in time for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and of course, to ring in 2015.

Much to anticipate and look forward to. I’m ready!

October 21, 2013

All Good Things Have their Time

Filed under: Life,Travel — gardener @ 3:18 am

I’ve had a fantastic time with my family and Marcel, traveling, making memories and loving every moment. I have had some time to reflect and I’m excited about the changes that are happening in our life- Positive changes, that will mean great things for us both.

I feel a certain sadness that this family time is coming to an end, but I also know that as this time closes, we are already planning for other great things- new travels and new adventures with people we love.

Expect to see more from me in this space- on a regular basis as I resettle into a regular routine- which is going to be quite different than the one I had pre-travels.

September 30, 2013

Learning New Things

Filed under: Life,Travel — gardener @ 3:57 am

I really have so much to talk about and share- and I need to actually check and see if my WP app works on my phone since upgrading to iOS 7 on my phone and iPad- then I can post more often. As it is now- I’m letting the family use my laptop and I’m just using my other devices.

I’ve loved meeting new people and learning a little Spanish and French along the way. I even had someone talk to me about abogado de inmigracion in the US. Granted, my Spanish is very limited- just like my French and German, but it’s always fun to hear about people wanting to move to the US and try to break through the language barriers.

August 22, 2013

Countdown to Travels

Filed under: Life,Things I Love,Travel — gardener @ 11:04 am

Just a few days (six to be exact, but who’s counting?) and vacation officially begins. Four or five days after vacation begins, so does the travels. On our list of travels- France, Germany, Belgium, England and maybe more.

IF all goes as planned, we’ll finally be able to see the beaches of Normandy, something that has been on my bucket list for as long as I can remember.

The coming months are going to be busy ones- and honestly, it couldn’t have come at a better time. I’m looking forward to all the new experiences and the fun times with people we both adore, plus all the people we will meet along the way.

Let the fun begin!

July 31, 2013

Travelin’ Shoes

Filed under: Things I Love,Travel — gardener @ 3:40 am

I’ve been doing research throughout the month (and before) for fun places for us to go on vacation and we are ready to go. I’ve been doing my homework, making reservations and it looks like thus far- our travels will include four countries. More on exactly which countries later.

I am excited- VERY excited. Good times await with great people.

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