Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

March 6, 2016

Nurturing What Matters

Filed under: Food for Thought,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 11:17 am

March seems to have entered like a lion with colder temps and also a little snow here and there.     The one plus to all that- is that mixed in with all the wacky weather has also been some sunshine, some of which that I enjoyed today.

I admit, I planned to do a lot more than I actually did today.   I did get some things done, but there are others that fell by the wayside simply because I was enjoying the weather.

I also put my ‘to do’ list to the side and spent some time reaching out and connecting with people that matter to me.   Nurturing my relationships is something that is very important to me, but I know that like everything- we need to nurture our gardens in life to see them continue to thrive-   that can be our actual physical gardens, or the gardens that are our relationships.    I believe what we receive is in direct proportion to what we give in our lives.     Assuming that we are giving and nurturing our relationships because it matters to us- and not because we want the ‘pay off’.    If the intention is wrong, then it throws everything out of balance.

As I get older (and hopefully wiser), I realize more than ever the importance of family and friends.    Not ‘any’ family and friends, but those who lift us and others, but also hold a mirror in front of us so that we can see our best selves through them.      The ones who encourage us to not only recognize our potential, but also to live it.

Those are the people I want in my life… every  … single.. day.


March 2, 2016

Words Matter

Filed under: Food for Thought,Inspiration,Women — gardener @ 11:02 am

In a world where not much surprises me these days, I’ll admit that I’ve been very surprised and saddened by the circus that has become our next presidential election.

I intentionally do not watch the news, because I prefer not to have the negativity floating in my  head that seems to be on a continual news loop.   For someone who was once upon a time a Broadcast Journalism major, it speaks volumes.    Around the time of the Sandy Hook shootings, it finally became ‘too much’ for me.

Life is so full of ups and downs, and keeping focused on the positive and the silver lining of life is important to me.   So I quit news cold turkey.   Now, I don’t see a lot, outside of what scrolls through on my Facebook feed, which generally isn’t ‘too much’, but lately it has become so.

If you know me then you know I rarely discuss politics, or religion.     It’s the two subjects where people can really get crazy if someone has a different viewpoint than them, so I avoid it. (Unless you are someone whom I know can have an intelligent conversation and the respect to agree to disagree if our views don’t match.)

When I see people blaming each other for this, that and the other- it makes me sad.  Why?   First, because it creates a larger divide amongst the people.   We are ALL human beings-  we ALL matter.


I posted the following on Facebook-   it sums up how I feel:

Love, Compassion, Integrity, Respect, Working TOGETHER towards the common good. ALL of those things matter to me personally.

Solutions to problems- I don’t care how big they are- will NEVER come by pointing fingers, placing blame and creating division.

If WE are not part of the solution then WE are part of the problem. Maybe WE should take a long hard look in the mirror at ourselves, be honest with who we have become and what we ‘put out there’ and realize that in order for real change to happen- it starts with US, with loving and accepting people right where they are.

We can only understand things based on our personal lens in which we view the world- No one has that same lens, because they are each based on our own personal experiences.

If someone else has a different experience in life than yours- even if you were at the same place at the same time- the different perspective doesn’t make one right and the other wrong- one more valid than the other- it makes them different- nothing more. We don’t have to ‘understand’ someone else’s experience- it’s theirs, but we should respect it.

Food for thought..

January 6, 2016

One Month & a New Year Later

Filed under: Food for Thought,Health/ Fitness,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 12:05 pm

Happy 2016 y’all- Six days into the new year and I’m finding myself on a good track to getting myself exactly where I need and want to be. Where is that, exactly?

Like many people- getting into a regular exercise routine is on my agenda in a big way. Finding balance in the busy and the various projects I have going on is a key for me this year. I really don’t love that discombobulated feeling, and I’m starting with- (in addition to the exercise) creating a schedule of de-clutter and getting rid of unwanted items, and creating a space that will encourage creativity, which I do believe is important!

Scheduling is BIG on my list this year- because I’ve realized that working with a schedule makes things happen fluidly. It doesn’t mean things don’t pop up from time to time, but I know that I’ll be ready to put plan A or B into action if that happens. I do it in my business all the time, but now it’s time to add it to my personal life as well.

This is only the beginning. What about you- What do you have on your list this year to accomplish?

July 14, 2015

Birthday Month Greatness Continues

Filed under: Food for Thought,Gratitude,Holidays — gardener @ 11:36 am

I am absolutely adoring this birthday month-   The beauty keeps unfolding more and more and more-   Marcel, gave me these gorgeous roses for my birthday and we had an amazing dinner out at one of our favorite local restaurants.

The girl day I had with friends couldn’t have been better-  and I even surprised myself by making a splurge purchase of an adorable Michael Kors summer tote- and a matching leather wallet.   Granted, I did not need either of them-  because I have plenty of handbags, but the yellow was calling my name-   and even Marcel suggested that I make a bee-line back to the Michael Kors shop and buy the bag- so I did.

Coming up-   time away with him for a few days along with some fun with friends.     My garden is growing at a beautiful pace and I can’t stop smiling-   I am blessed.. beyond measure.   For everyone who is a part of that – I thank you!



May 24, 2015

Make a Wish- What Seeds do YOU Plant?

Filed under: Food for Thought,Life — gardener @ 10:36 am

makeawishToday I was out and about for part of the afternoon, and while walking through a beautiful wooded area I came across several dandelions that had gone to seed.    I paused for a moment to grab a few shots of them, and at the same time I found myself transported back to my childhood- where my brother and I would pick them one-by-one and ‘make wishes’ as we blew them into the wind.

It brought a smile to my face.

I also began thinking about how our lives are also like those tiny seeds-      Each day we have a opportunity to blow seeds out into the world-    some of which will do nothing, but some of which will take root.

It made me pause once again and think about the type of seeds I plant-    because be it positive or negative- they all have the potential to take root and grow.

I don’t know about you- but I want to plant seeds of love,  encouragement, compassion, laughter, empowerment, and friendship.   Those are the seeds I want to leave behind-  and those are the ones that I wish to take the deepest root and grow.

April 8, 2015

Appear as You Are.. BE as You Appear

Filed under: Food for Thought,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 11:44 am

“Be like the sun for grace and mercy. Be like the night to cover others’ faults. Be like running water for generosity. Be like death for rage and anger. Be like the Earth for modesty. Appear as you are. Be as you appear.” ― Rumi

Yesterday I posted this quote on my Facebook page. It really struck me as I read it, as how so many of us want to appear one way, but in reality we are something else.

Be it out of fear to be vulnerable or a plethora of other reasons that we tell ourselves- at some point or another in life- we have all hidden behind the façade of how we want others to perceive us, even if that isn’t who we are.

When I first started using the Internet back in the 90’s, I remember reading an article about how when people are ‘faceless’ (this was clearly before Instagram and selfies took over) that it is easy to pretend to be something we aren’t. It’s the digital world where some think ‘anything goes’ and so many did- (and maybe still do) use the Internet to become a fictional version of themselves. Granted, this isn’t also the case- but the article talked about how one could only pretend for around 3 months to be something other than who they are without ‘true self’ shining through.

It was then I developed my ‘3 month rule’ for meeting people face-to-face that I had originally met online. It has served me well over time. The one time I did not follow said rule- the person was nothing like they appeared to be, and thankfully they weren’t an axe-murderer.

Even in face-to-face relationships with people in our lives- we often hold back- only sharing what we know will be accepted, which is in contradiction to the aforementioned quote.

“Appear as you are. Be as you appear.” Think about it for a moment, and ask yourself this question.. Do you appear as you are? And are YOU as you appear?

March 29, 2015

In the Presence of Joy

Filed under: Food for Thought,Gratitude — gardener @ 12:09 pm

This afternoon I was thinking about the weekend I spent with some amazing women- the joy that I feel not only in their company, but in seeing them and everyone around me thrive in their lives- It is my wish for everyone- and I realized just how amazing the people are who I choose to surround myself with. There is no better feeling.

In the midst of this introspect- I posted this on my personal (and private) Facebook page. It’s a great way to start the new week.

When I think of the things that bring me the greatest joy in life- they are the ‘joy rising’ moments that rise up from the depth of your soul and bring tears to your eyes. It isn’t in pomp and circumstance or grand gesturing- it’s in being able to do something small to create a smile on someone else’s face, or make their life a little easier- in seeing others celebrate their life successes- and living their best life their way.

This life is so precious- Celebrate the people around you- embrace them, build them up – and encourage them to empower themselves. TELL THEM how much they matter. WE ALL Matter! BE the reason that someone smiles today.

July 22, 2014

Birthdays and Beyond

Filed under: Food for Thought,Life,Things I Love — gardener @ 11:12 am

My 47th birthday came and went. You know what I felt? LOVE. Granted, I feel love every-single-day, but for some reason, this year I really felt it to a greater degree.

Marcel surprised me with a wonderful dinner at a restaurant we haven’t been to in several years. It’s situated right on the lake, and the weather was perfect, which allowed for us to eat outside on the terrace.

I asked Marcel not to give me a gift- since it’s our year to go for vacation, and truth is- I don’t have anything I ‘need’. I was happy that he actually listened, and that dinner and the huge bouquet of sunflowers he gave me at midnight to start my birthday were gift enough. We were together, we were happy and healthy- what else could a girl want?

Today I spent the afternoon with two good friends- in a late birthday celebration. I hadn’t seen either of them in quite some time, so it was great to be able to catch up and just enjoy their company.

I’m grateful for the people in my life- and also knowing that there is nothing but more blessings coming my way in this new year of my life.

July 10, 2014

The Garden of Life

Filed under: Food for Thought — gardener @ 2:02 pm

Life has been buzzing along here at a great rate of speed. There have been so many great things happening, that often- I don’t take the time to turn on the computer and pound it all out on the keyboard to post here (although, I definitely should). I reminded myself a little earlier that I ‘do’ indeed have a WordPress app, and that I should probably be using it- as it would make life much easier to type out a few words and share a few thoughts, for the times that I don’t get on the computer. I’ll just have to remember that.

Work has been really good- and continues to get better. I’m grateful beyond measure, and I find myself feeling inspired. So much has happened, and through all the struggles we’ve dealt with over the last year and a half- there have been so many wonderful lessons- and I’m filled with joy- abundant joy- Does it mean life is perfect? Nah- that is a word that shouldn’t be in the dictionary- but this life is ours- it’s fantastic, including the struggles along the way- they serve to teach, and I’m always a willing vessel to learn. After all- that’s what we are here for.

April 8, 2014

Three Days Later…

Filed under: Food for Thought,Home,In the Neighborhood — gardener @ 10:07 am

Three days ago I posted how we were almost a week into this month and there wasn’t a shower in sight. I now stand corrected! Yesterday the rains started, and it’s been a crazy ride ever since. One moment rain, the next sunshine, and the next, a combination of rain and hail. All with some wind thrown into the mix for fun.

Truth is- even though the temp has dropped 10 degrees since yesterday and it’s pretty chilly outside, I know the plants are soaking it up and smiling, as are the trees. After all, they need it to continue their beauty.

The balance of nature reminds me of life- and the importance of having it in our own lives. We need it not merely to survive, but to thrive.

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