I’ve been doing a lot of reprogramming my thought process and thinking about what ” I ” really want for my life and making it happen. I’ve really noticed lately that when we start to change and do things that work best and one up for us to live better lives for ourselves that there are those who balk at every breath. Sometimes we find ourselves going back to old patterns just to keep everyone else happy- even though that means not doing what is best for us. I’ve been guilty of that in the past, but I’ve been working on breaking that pattern. Those who care will get it as they want to see me soar as well, and those who don’t, well- lesson learned.
March 27, 2012
October 1, 2011
Mom’s- the Best Doctors
Even though I’m the ripe ‘young’ age of 44, I am one of those people who always want their mother when they’re feeling bad. It has been great having mom and diddy here- and mom seems to know when I’m feeling a little under the weather or hormonal (obviously she knows me well) and always offers some sort of motherly advice. It makes me think that some of the best Pediatrician Jobs are probably held by none other than Doctor Mom.
What about you- Do you want your mom when you are feeling under the weather, or do you want to be left alone?
I’m sure I haven’t said it often enough- but Thanks Mom!
August 5, 2011
Taking it All In
In the midst of all the hustle and bustle that has become my life- I find myself needing to pause and reflect. I look back and how I got here- and I think about how grateful I am for the opportunity. I don’t want to be someone who takes it for granted that I can just do what I want when I want- because I know that it’s a blessing and I am thankful.
I find myself at times- namely today feeling overwhelmed with all that I need to do, but yet I know that what I really need to do is to take the time to relax- think and just be grateful for the journey- For every opportunity that arises, for every obstacle, as they will serve to teach me.
Grateful- for the work- for the path- for knowing it was where I need to be- and grateful that I am open to learn from any mistakes that I make along the road- because I’m sure there will be some.
August 4, 2011
The past month has been somewhat of a blur to me- a lot of fun and a whirlwind of activities, all of which were great. This month- is not without celebration and definitely not without a few obstacles, but I welcome them all.
You see- in addition to planning a trip abroad with my family, I’ve also started a business. In case you’re wondering- it’s a cupcake business and I am looking forward to getting started- getting my site finished and seeing the fruits of my labor come together. I know it’s going to be a lot of work and a long up-hill battle, but I have no doubt in my mind that eventually it will all fit together- like the pieces of a puzzle.
I’ve been operating outside of my comfort zone so far this week and at some points it’s been wonderful and at others I’ve been scared to death. Not that there’s anything wrong with being scared, but I almost let the fear beat me. In the end, I didn’t and I’m so grateful for that.
June 22, 2011
I Feel-
I was doing a little writing earlier about my day and about several things that were on my heart and when I finished- this was the stats about what I’d written.
I love all the yellow- Obviously that means I’m happy- and on the whole I am. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking- and in spite of a few obstacles there are big and great things happening in my life.
There are haters- There will always be haters- but haters disguised as ‘friends’ have no place in my life- so I can’t let them suck any more energy and happiness from me- After all- they can’t do what I don’t allow.
I’m happy- Life isn’t perfect- (whose is?) but it’s good- xxx
June 15, 2011
25 Years Have Come and Gone
Today I spent several hours watching the final three Oprah Winfrey Shows back-to-back. I knew better. Since I was tearing up at the thought of them- I should have known that watching them was going to lead me into a fit of the ugly-cries, more than once. I was overwhelmed with love and admiration, but also inspiration.
I feel like I’ve been on an all-night crying binge and it pretty much wiped me out emotionally, but yet I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. I’d been doing a lot beforehand, but this really got the grey matter to working overtime.
For a while now- I’ve strived to be the best person that I can be. Today I realized that it’s more than I thought it was. What ‘it’ is- I’m not yet sure, but I’ll keep you posted as I begin this new journey.
And for you Miss Winfrey- I thank you for 25 years of service, love and dedication.
May 4, 2011
I’ve been spending a lot of time lately focusing on the good. There are many stressful things going on around me, but rather than jumping in and worrying about them, I realize that with some things I can’t change them- so I just make myself available if someone needs me- and the rest I let go.
It does’t mean I don’t care- It means I can’t change some things, so what’s the point in worrying about it?
I’m focusing on the good and in turn- it is bringing more good things. We only get one life- so why not make the best out of every second?
April 23, 2011
Why Worry?
I am one of those people who try not to watch a lot of news. Mostly because I find it to be so much negativity- but also because there are some things I really just don’t want to know. The media often blows things so far out of proportion that you don’t know where the truth stops and the fiction begins, so I ignore most things and see if they come to pass. I can’t worry now if there are going to still be social security benefits when I become old enough to receive them, because the truth is- there’s nothing I can do at this point to change it one way or the other, so why worry?
April 4, 2011
Some of what happens in life is out of our control, but the way we choose to react to what happens is always our choice and can make a huge difference on how things play out.
March 25, 2011
Lasting Impressions
I have Dr. Phil set on the DVR to record every afternoon, five days a week. I rarely have the television on during the day- even if I’m home, but I’ll go back and watch them from time to time when I have spare time on my hands. I notice that there seem to be a lot of people there needing help with drugs or other addiction issues and I’m happy that he can direct them to some of the best rehab treatment centers in the area, but I often wonder what happens to these guests after the fact. I know that sometimes they do update shows, but other times they don’t.
I remember way back in the day- before the Jerry Springer show included flying chairs- he did a lot with the homeless. I remember a homeless kid called Tweaky Dave and I often wonder what happened to him. It’s weird how some things or people leave a lasting impression- often without even realizing.