Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

February 6, 2011

Back in the Swing of Things

Filed under: Home,Life,Sands of Time — gardener @ 11:10 am

My time online lately has been pretty scarce- in fact- it has been that way since we got home from vacation. At first I was trying to get over jet lag and really didn’t feel like being online and now that I’m almost past the jet lag, I have been busy trying to tackle other things in the house that has kept me away from the computer.

This weekend has been really windy and for some reason the only thing I’ve wanted to do is cook. I’ve done just that and made a fantastic pot of cauliflower-vegetable soup along with some brownies and BBQ pork for sandwiches.

There are many things that I’ve had on my to-do list for quite some time that I’ve decided it’s time to start doing. It may happen a little at a time- but it IS happening, and I love the feeling of making progress. I’ve also had a few ‘ah-ha’ moments this weekend and find myself feeling better than I have in a while, which makes me smile.

What about you- What makes you smile today?

I’m still working on finding a balance between computer time and time at home, but I know I’ll get there. I want to start spending more time reading blogs, since it has been a while since I’ve done that. I’ve missed some of my old favorites, plus I’d like to discover some new faves as well. I’ll probably start trying to give myself an hour a day for blog reading and see where it takes me.

February 3, 2011

Sunshine on My Shoulders

Filed under: Home,In the Neighborhood,Life — gardener @ 9:00 am

I sleep with my curtains open so this morning when I woke up, I was thrilled to see that the sun was shining. That may not seem like something big, but when you’ve been living with the grey days that we’ve been living with lately- trust me, it’s a huge thing.

I took JJ out for a long walk, basking in every single moment of the sunshine and even thought for a moment that I may need a Sun Hat if I’d spent much more time outside. The skies were blue- there wasn’t a cloud in the sky and I have to say that it was a perfect day.

January 23, 2011

Male Bonding

Filed under: Home,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 5:34 am

While we were on vacation, I noticed that my brother and Marcel had one major thing in common amongst all the little things and that was the fact that they love cars and making them look their best. Now, when I say ‘making them look their best’ I don’t really mean keeping them clean and waxed, because that goes without saying. Instead, one should think on a deeper level and the fact that they both love adding features to the car that allows the car to be uniquely their own.

I loved listening to them talk about how they’d wanted to change this and that, plus my brother even took Marcel to a friend of diddy’s to show him the wood dashboard that he had ordered and installed in an old classic car that he’d found for a little bit of nothing and had been fixing it up here and there over the past year or so. It goes without saying that Marcel loved the look and one evening they spent hours pouring over a website that offers everything they could ever want to create the look they want, and I have to admit that even I was impressed with the prices and selection and we all know that my idea of a cool car is one that looks great and that drives well.

I was happy to see my brother and Marcel have that bonding experience and they even talked about possibly one of these days buying a car together and fixing it up. I would love to see how that would turn out, and who knows- I may find out sooner rather than later.

January 5, 2011

Back on Track

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Holidays,Home,Things I Love — gardener @ 11:38 am

When the New Year rolled around, I promised myself that in spite of still being on vacation, I was going to make sure that I started making healthier choices and stop treating this vacation as a free-for-all to eat everything that isn’t nailed down.    Ok, it hasn’t been that bad, but I have been definitely indulging and before I outgrew my clothes, I knew I’d better get back on track.

I’ve done really well with the choices I’ve made, and this morning I added a little Italian Sweet Cream Coffee-Mate to my steel-cut oats.   It was out of this world!   That, along with a little cinnamon and I had a delicious, healthy breakfast.

In the five days of this New Year I’ve already noticed a change (for the positive) in the way that I feel simply by getting the ‘junk’ out of my body.  I’m sure that it’s only going to get even better over time and I’m determined to make this a successful year in all aspects of my life.

December 26, 2010

Vacation to Recover from the Vacation

Filed under: Gratitude,Holidays,Home,Travel — gardener @ 7:18 pm

Even though we still have 26 days left in our trip (longer than many people’s entire vacations), I can tell that people are noticing that we are on the downhill slope of the trip. They are trying to squeeze in get together’s and I’ve been thinking about how grateful I am that so many people want to spend time with us. I’m trying my best to see everyone, but I know at the end of the trip there will be those that I never were able to get a chance to see in spite of really wanting to.

I mentioned to someone a few days ago that when I get home, I’m going to need a week to rest after all the going and doing. I guess a vacation to recover from the vaction if you will.

December 24, 2010

Reflections Of..

Filed under: Home,Life — gardener @ 1:01 pm

I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting over the past couple of days about this past year and all that has happened. I’ve realized many things, but probably one of the most profound things I realized is that some of the people in my life have really had a negative impact on my perspective of things. I don’t blame them, becuase ultimately I’m responsible for my choice and my reactions to things, but I’ve had to take a step back and evaluate those relationships that are one sided and draining to be in. Sadly, I have several and I’ve decided that I’m going to have to let those relationships go. Marcel has done the same and as difficult as it is in some aspects, in others it’s a weight lifted.

I’ve realized that as Marcel and I have started living our lives for ourselves and not being “YES” people all the time that people think we have changed and it has ruffled quite a few feathers. It isn’t so much that Marcel and I have changed- it’s that we have both started saying NO when we want to, even if it isn’t the most popular answer. What we’ve found is that those who get their feathers ruffled and create drama around those responses are those who don’t like the fact that we don’t do everything that “THEY” want us to do, or what they think we SHOULD be doing. It hasn’t been without it’s own set of problems, but those problems aren’t ours they are problems that lie within others. Of course, if you’d ask those same people- they would tell you it’s our fault, because ‘owning’ anything is beyond their realm of comprehension. But that’s another journal entry in itself.

I’m far from perfect and have made my share of mistakes this year. I’ve owned them all and I’m not too proud to apologize when I need to. I’ve had to do it on several occasions. One thing I will never apologize for is being myself. I am who I am- take it or leave it.

December 12, 2010

Time out for Tech

Filed under: Home,Techy — gardener @ 1:43 pm

Now that the cruise is behind us and we have a little more time to hang out at home, mom has asked me to spend a little time working on her old computer and the new laptop. She wants me to update her scanning software plus add a few new programs and show her how to use them. I’ve got to make a cake for my brother on Tuesday, so figure since I’ll be home then that I’ll try to take care of everything then.

Sometime or another, I also need to get a few Christmas cards sent out- and get the tree up. I can’t believe Christmas is less than two weeks away.

December 11, 2010


Filed under: Food,Holidays,Home — gardener @ 9:09 am

Mom is making gumbo today and I can’t wait. In fact – she’s making two pots of gumbo- seafood and chicken. Marcel is not a fan of seafood (other than fish), so the shrimp and crabs will be for us and the chicken for him. I was trying to remember the last time I had gumbo and I think it was probably 4 years ago. I don’t remember eating any last time I was home, and I never make it myself. I am so ready. I plan to make some potato salad to go along with it, and all I can say is YUM! To make things extra sweet- my brother and nephew will be here to eat with us. I heart family time!

Here and There

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Home,Life — gardener @ 9:06 am

My brother and nephew are coming over today for gumbo, so I’m trying to get a few things caught up on the computer (like my blogs) so that I can run (literally) up to my great aunt’s house for a little visit before they arrive. I haven’t seen her since we arrived and I know she probably thinks I’ve forgotten her. Things have just been so crazy.

Diddy has had a couple of doctors appointments while we’ve been here and I’m happy that I’ve been able to go with him. I also go to the back with him so I can listen to what the doc says and of course watch any procedures that they may do. I’m sure the doc loves it because I always ask what the machines are and what they do, like the bovie that I saw in one of the offices. I’ll be back there with diddy later this coming week and I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to see me coming with my 20 questions. I do hope it will be the last for him for a long time.

Back and Playing Catch-Up

Filed under: Home,Life,Things I Love,Travel — gardener @ 8:57 am

We are back on land and much as I suspected, we hit the ground running. The cruise and time with Desere on her 40th birthday was great, but now it’s time to really dig my heels in and start getting things ready for Christmas. I haven’t started on Christmas cards as of yet, nor do we have the Christmas tree up, but I know I’ll get it done.

I have a stack of mail to read that arrived while we were on the cruise, including a few coupons and some information on term life insurance quotes that I’d requested a while back. Today is catch up day- so we are doing laundry, catching up on bills and mail, plus straightening things up a bit in the house. I have much to say, but will break it up in more entries.

I’m glad to be back, but I sure miss the ship and the people.

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