Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

April 9, 2014

Party Planning

Filed under: Gratitude,Holidays,Inspiration,Life,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 8:16 am

One thing is for sure- this ‘free time’ I’ve had because of my arm, has given me an abundance of time to party plan. This year is composed of many wonderful elements, and one of those is that this year is the year of parties.

Not only am I hosting a few myself (which I can’t wait for), but we’ve also been invited to several, which I know are going to make the year even more fabulously fun than it already promises to be. After all, who doesn’t love a good party?

Something that also excites me, is the fact that plans are already being made for gatherings and parties when we get home later this year for the holidays The fact that people want to see and spend time with us makes me happy enough, but the fact that they want to have special gatherings in our honor, makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside- beyond words.

My upcoming party- I’ve finally got the cake idea sketched out and ready to ‘create’. It’s going to be interesting to see if the sketch and idea I have in my head matches the actual finished product.

Sometimes, like this morning- I was feeling a little down, but I need not do more than look around me to realize just how blessed I am and how awesome life really is. That, in itself is worthy of a party- of gratitude for the awesome people in my life. Thank you!

April 5, 2014

April Showers

Filed under: Gratitude,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 12:49 pm

Almost a week into April, and so far, not a shower in sight. Granted, you won’t hear me complaining, as I know they will show up all too soon.

Life- it’s so fragile, yet when you stop to think about it, also so amazing. I am blessed beyond words, and so are you!

It goes without saying that there will always be obstacles, speed bumps and sometimes even road blocks- but that’s just part of the learning process- part of the beauty of the journey. Enjoy every step of the way. I know I am.


March 8, 2014


Filed under: Gratitude,Inspiration — gardener @ 12:49 pm

Today’s bits of gratitude.

1- 59 degrees and sunshine in March.

2- People who are there for others when they need them.

3- Propping up my feet and soaking up some vitamin D after a productive day.

4- Watching the grace and seemingly effortless manner in which birds fly.

5- The sound of mallards landing on the water.

February 28, 2014

Making a Difference

Filed under: Food for Thought,Gratitude,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 9:18 am

Someone once told me that even though we may not realize it, that people are watching us, and our actions have an impact on others. I’ll admit- I don’t give a lot of thought to that idea. I live my life, stumble, learn lessons from my stumbles and mistakes, pick myself up and continue moving forward. Sometimes I pause in one spot because some things require that, but I try not to keep the forward momentum going. My intents are never with malice and I really like who I am. Does that mean I think I’m perfect? Far from it, but I accept myself, flaws and all- and try to stay open to the lessons life sends my way.

What you see is what you get with me. Love me or not. I am who I am- (I think Popeye said that once upon a time.)

A few days ago my mom and diddy visited a friend of theirs. It’s someone that I’ve known for a long time, but I haven’t spent a lot of face-to-face time with her in many years. We are friends on Facebook, yet we never ‘chat’.

Yesterday, mom said that when they’d stopped at her friends house- she told mom that she was always inspired by my lists on Facebook, and my general positive outlook in life. She said it was always a day brightener to her- and it really lifted her spirits quite often.

Those words really meant a lot to me.

Mom said, “Well, you really just never know when you’re making a difference to people, even when they may not voice it.”

She’s right. It made me pause and think about my life- about the things I say, and also the people who are a daily part of my life. They are people like me. People who encourage and inspire. People who are energetic and who aren’t jealous of seeing others succeed or do well- in fact they celebrate those moments.

It made my heart swell with happiness, joy and mostly gratitude. Why? Because they make a positive difference in my life each and every day. I know when they reach out to me that it’s sincere and never met with jealousy or contriteness, but with love.

Thank you Ms. D for the words that not only made my day, but also caused me to press pause and take a look around the people in my life. I’ve done that a lot in the last year- and I realize more than ever just how blessed I am.

Everyone makes a difference in our lives. Even those who could be deemed as having a negative impact, if allowed- they also serve a important purpose.

I’m grateful for the pause to ask myself what kind of difference I’m making. What about you?

February 10, 2014

Life of Gratitude

Filed under: Food for Thought,Gratitude,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 1:22 pm

Today’s bits of gratitude.

1-  The beauty of friendship.

2-  Finding a seat on a busy train.

3-  Those who walk the talk.

4-  The joy of service to others.

5-  The ‘little’ things that make a huge difference in the lives of others.

January 29, 2014

Strength Training

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Home,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 12:01 pm

Since I started back on the elliptical, I’ve noticed a huge difference in the way I feel. I can tell, that in spite of the elliptical kicking my bootay in cardio, that I’ve started building some muscle mass again, and hopefully burning some extra fat in the process.

Next up will be adding strength training to my elliptical time. I have hand weights that I want to start implementing into my work out twice or three times a week, plus starting a kettle bell routine.

I’ve got a goal this year. Not just a weight-loss goal, but also a fitness and strength goal. They are realistic, and I plan to meet them all.

I’m happy to be taking those first steps in the right direction.

January 26, 2014

I Am Who I Am

Filed under: Gratitude,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 10:50 am

I was talking to a friend earlier this week about how important it is to have the ‘right’ people in your life, and that while sometimes friendships aren’t lifetime ones, they all serve their own purpose and life lesson.

I have never had that desire to be something that I’m not- I don’t need people to see or view me as anything other than I am, and how they perceive me, is entirely up to them. I am confident with who I am, and also the integrity in which I live my life, so I don’t need a high approval rating- in fact, I don’t need approval at all from anyone outside of me.

I surround myself with people who spark inspiration, who encourage and build up- and who find it as energizing as I do. We are all on our own path, and I’m not here to say my life path is better than anyone elses. We are all individuals, we all make choices, and all are by-products of those choices. One isn’t wrong and the other right- they are just different.

Like minded people gravitate towards each other, and it makes my soul sing to see people find their ‘tribe’, their inner-circle, their place in life. After all, isn’t that what everyone is looking for, only in varying degrees?

January 13, 2014

Twenty-Fourteen – Sparkle and Shine

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Home,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 7:45 am

That’s my theme for this year – Sparkle and Shine! That’s exactly what I plan to do- sparkle, shine and focus entirely on living my best life. Stepping outside of my comfort zone- taking lessons where there are lessons, and running with them.

It’s a process- just like anything in life, but I’m kicking bootay and taking names- one thing at a time. My business is going well, but I’m working on how to make it even better.

My health- I am healthy, and my focus is to stay healthy- and doing that by getting back into a regular exercise routine- eating well and giving my body what it needs- be it enough sleep, or a heart-charging work out.

Marcel and I are doing so great- probably the best we’ve ever done. It seems that the struggles we’ve had with his health and a few other things last year have made us closer than ever.

Friendships- How can I even begin to express how joyous and grateful I am for each and every one of them. When I look at the big picture- I know just how blessed I am. I plan to continue to nuture my friendships- and I look forward to all the adventures and fun we have planned, and have yet to plan for this year.

Yes- Life is good- and sparkle and shine is happening!

December 1, 2013

Help When You Need It

Filed under: Inspiration,Techy — gardener @ 12:21 pm

Not too long ago, I was talking to a friend of mine whose daughter is absolutely swamped in school. She’s a senior in high school this year, taking advanced classes, plus she’s also been taking a couple of college courses at the local Junior College. She said that right before mid-terms her daughter has four essays due, plus still has to study for her exams on both the high school and college level. We were both in amazement as to how she was managing, with all the late nights and early mornings.

She confided to her mom last week that she isn’t going to be able to get it all done, so she’s found a professional who will write your essay for you. This is her second time to use the service, and she said that she’s convinced with her full schedule it’s the only way she’ll make it though.

I, for one am so glad that these services exist. They definitely make life easier.

November 30, 2013

On the Eve of December

Filed under: Food for Thought,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 11:11 am

This afternoon, as the sun was sinking and the air starting to get cooler, I decided to brew myself a cup of coffee, and go sit outside. It was that quiet time of the afternoon, where darkness isn’t far away- a great time for quiet reflection.

As I sat and sipped my coffee, I couldn’t help but smile thinking about how great life is. Is everything exactly how I want it to be? Nope- but I know that I have the power and will to set change in motion, so I am grateful for that. I know the power lies within me, and me alone. I know that no one else can make me happy, that it’s a do-it-yourself project. There are those who bring a ray of sunshine to my life, but they enhance the happiness I already have. I’m happy and content, plus so excited and grateful for all that is to come.

Tomorrow is the first day of December, and while I see people rushing out to get the perfect gift, and already feeling the crunch and stress of the holiday season- I find myself smiling knowing that every moment I spend with people I love will not be based on what I can give them that they don’t need, but rather sharing moments together that is authentic and ‘real’. I will surprise a few strangers- and spend time with the people I love.

That is what the Christmas season is all about.

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