Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

February 19, 2011


Filed under: Food for Thought,Inspiration,Life,Quotes- Soul Food — gardener @ 10:33 am

As I’ve gotten older (and I like to think wiser), I’ve realized the importance of forgiveness.   I also have noticed that those that fail to see the importance- those that carry around anger, hate, hurt and resentment of things that happened in the past, are in some ways still allowing that moment in time control their life.    I’ve also noticed that for some people, lack of forgivness has manifested like cancer in their lives and forgiveness is something they are incapable of.   They spend so much time thinking about how they have been wronged and victimized that they fail to recognize that they are the ones missing out.

Years ago Marcel and I had a conversation about how he couldn’t comprehend how I forgave me ex-husband for the things that he did to me.   He said they were inexcusable and I would agree, they were.  I explained to him that I didn’t do it for my ex, but instead, I did it for myself.   It was something that I carried around and it kept me from living in the ‘now’.

Several days ago I was watching Oprah and she said that the best meaning of forgiveness that she had ever heard was:

“Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different.”

I love quotations, so I wrote it down, but this stayed with me long after I finished watching the show.   After all, isn’t that what makes it so difficult for us to let go of the things that have happened to us- the fact that we ask ourselves a gazillion questions as to what we could have done to make things have a different outcome?   

Let it go- forgive- accept that is, is and nothing will ever change that.   Start living today!

October 20, 2010

My thoughts on Eat, Pray, Love

Filed under: Quotes- Soul Food,Things I Love — gardener @ 9:48 am

As I mentioned yesterday- Desere and I went to the movies last night to see the movie based on Liz Gilbert’s book entitled Eat, Pray, Love. I first heard of the book when Gibert was on Oprah and then again when I saw Julia Roberts (who played Liz Gilbert in the movie) on the Oprah show earlier this year. At that point I hadn’t read the book (and still haven’t), but yet I knew I wanted to see the film.

I knew what to expect going into the movie and had heard that some people didn’t like it and found it boring. I went in with an open mind and walked out smiling with a few tears streaming down my face. I was really tired when we went last night and I was afraid that I’d doze during the movie- especially since it was more than two hours long. That never happened. I yawned a few times, but not out of boredom.

If you are expecting a fast paced typical Hollywood film, then I’d say skip this movie, but you could be missing out on something special. I loved the movie and cried several times at some of the things that were said and found myself relating on so many levels. Not with my current relationship, but with relationships past. I believe it’s something that we can apply to all facets of our lives. This movie is based on one woman’s journey to find herself, but yet there is a piece of all of us wrapped up in this film.

“You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day. This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind. That’s the only thing you should be trying to control.”
— Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love)

April 8, 2010

New Mantra-

Filed under: Food for Thought,Inspiration,Quotes- Soul Food — gardener @ 10:14 am

Repeat after me- Ok, you don’t have to, but when I read this, I felt as though it was written for me. I’m going to add it to my phone, my fridge and any place else where it can reach out, grab me and serve as a reminder.

” Most barriers to your success are man-made. And most often, you’re the man who made them.” – Frank Tyger

October 12, 2009

Nothing By Accident

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Inspiration,Quotes- Soul Food — gardener @ 7:59 am

I’m a firm believer that nothing happens by accident. When something happens, regardless of how great or how tragic, there is a reason behind it and a lesson to be learned. We may not see that lesson until much later, but the lesson is there just waiting to be discovered.

Today- I found the following quote in my ‘inbox’. It isn’t by accident that it’s there, and I know it. As I’ve been regaining momentum to continue my journey to being the best me, this is just the bit of ‘wiz’dom that I need to inspire and encourage.

I’m sharing it here for two reasons- one is so that maybe it can encourage and inspire you, and two because it will allow me easy access to revisit these words when I need them again, and trust me- I’ll need them time and time again.

There are only two options regarding commitment. You’re either IN or you’re OUT. There’s no such thing as life in-between. – Pat Riley, basketball coach

Thank you SparkPeople- I love you.

Are You Giving Your Goals Your Best Effort?

Your dreams deserve better than a half-hearted effort. Meet your goals with a weak handshake and they’ll soon be waving you goodbye. Since you probably don’t want to look back on a life full of “almost made it” memories, it’s time for total commitment. Leave it all on the field, don’t hold anything back. Is there anything more satisfying than pouring out your entire being, straddling the cliff, reaching your total limit, then looking up and realizing that oh-my-gosh-I-can’t-believe-I-really-did-it? And is there anything more tragic than failing and realizing you could have done more? If you feel “tuned out” of your current life, that’s okay. Make your first goal to build a life that you can get “in”-to. Then don’t look back. Make every day count and live purposefully, live energetically, live completely.

August 12, 2009

Southern ‘Wiz’dom

Filed under: Life,Quotes- Soul Food,Things I Love — gardener @ 8:05 am

When Marcel came home from work today, he came in with a package from home. It was a belated birthday gift from my friend Amy that I’ve been reconnected with recently on Facebook. When I opened it, I literally squealed. Not only did she send me the most beautiful card, but she also sent me a “Southern Belle” T-shirt in one of my favorite colors, RED!!!

If you know anything about me at all, then you know I love quotations- The back of my new shirt reads the following:

“Life is a grindstone…
Whether it grinds you down or polishes you up depends on what you’re made of.”

How very true- Thank you Amy for making my day and for sending me a little piece of the south. I love you!

July 24, 2009

Friday “Food For Thought”

Filed under: Inspiration,Quotes- Soul Food — gardener @ 8:28 am

We are never more discontented with others than when we are discontented with ourselves. ~Henri Frederic Amiel

My friend Sally posted this on Facebook earlier, and being one that loves quotations, I swiped it from her. I also happen to like things that cause me to pause, and consider the words carefully and how they apply to my own life.

I took some time to think back on moments in my own life when I’ve been discontent with others in my surroundings, and true as this quotation, during those moments it was not others that I was ‘truely’ discontent with, but indeed myself.

There are often times that I find myself ‘prickly’ with Marcel, and later I find myself wondering what that was all about. I usually dismiss it, but thinking back, I realize that those are the times when I’m not satisfied with something in my life- either results of choices I’ve made, or feeling frustrated about various things- all of which have nothing at all to do with him or anyone else, but Me, Myself, and I.

After reading this, I’ve decided that I want to be more aware of WHY I’m reacting to certain things in regards to other people. Is it that I’m REALLY discontent with them, or is it ME?

I’m going to make a conscious effort for one week (I can do anything for a week), and see what happens. It can’t hurt- and I challenge you to do the same, and report your findings here.

June 25, 2009

On Living a Meaningful Life

Filed under: Inspiration,Quotes- Soul Food — gardener @ 9:37 am

I often find it interesting how certain events in our life find us at a crossroads where we are faced with the decision of which ‘road’ to take. Neither is necessarily the ‘wrong’ path, but one is usually more fruitful than the other. Truth is- in the past, 9 out of 10 times, I’d do like most people and take the path of least resistance.

Again, it wasn’t a ‘bad’ choice, but it wasn’t always the ‘best’ choice. Somewhere along the road, something within me changed.. and I realized that ‘getting by’ was no longer enough- that I’d been getting exactly what I’d been giving- enough to get by, but I wanted more.

I realized that ‘getting’ more would mean that I would have to ‘give’ more- more of myself, and that meant actually ‘showing up’ both emotionally and physically- ready to do my best.

It was when I started ‘showing up’ every day in my own life, that I noticed things starting to change. My outlook changed, but mostly I realized that I could do far more than I ever thought I could.

Several days ago, when I called mom to tell her about my adventure in climbing the tower with Vivian, she was excited for me. She knew how often in the past, I’d been defeated before I ever started, simply because I had the mentality that I ‘couldn’t’, so I didn’t show up. I don’t mean in the physical sense, I mean in the emotional/mental sense. I can’t tell you how many times I’d stop doing something, just because things got a little difficult, or because I’d convinced myself I couldn’t, before I ever tried.

I was and still am excited about climbing that tower and those 465 steps. The fact that my legs have never been so sore in my life didn’t matter, what mattered is that I accomplished what I set out to do, and I never once doubted myself. I ‘showed up’, was present and ready to meet any challenge head on.

Today, while going through emails- I came across the following quote, which I found not only timely, but also true. I wanted to share it here, allowing me to glance back at it from time to time when I may need a reminder.

Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don’t turn up at all.

– Sam Ewing, humorist

June 6, 2009

On Being True to Yourself.

Filed under: Gratitude,Quotes- Soul Food — gardener @ 12:02 pm

To be nobody but yourself–in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else– means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.

– EE Cummings, poet

I thought that while Marcel was watching soccer, that I’d turn MY computer on for the first time in days to check mail and watch last seasons Survivor that I have sitting here waiting for a rainy day. It isn’t exactly a rainy day, but he’s watching the game, so I figured now is a good of time as any.

I came across the above quotation while reading through my emails, and it really resonated with me on many different levels. It’s something I’ve been seeing alot lately- people trying to put me in the box that they want me to be in, but those who know me well know that I don’t conform well to being put in any sort of box.

I recently found myself in a position where someone else, who was thinking a particular way, about a particular subject, kept projecting these feelings and telling me that THIS was how it was. In reality that was how SHE saw it, but clearly I knew that it was NOT the case in my eyes.. It didn’t make it untrue, but it was not my reality. Eventually, this person persisted with this particular projection until I started questioning myself, and struggling.

This wasn’t from someone who was trying to manipulate or hurt me, but yet someone who saw something completely different than I did, and I allowed their opinion to cause doubt and make me question myself.

Eventually, I had to take a long hard look in the mirror, and with a little encouragement realized that we are all different and don’t see things through the same glasses. I knew that above all, I had to be true to myself, and the rest would fall into place. 

I believe we all need these little reminders from time to time.  I know I do.  After all, we’re only human.

My Gratitude List for June 6, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Marcel surprising me with a day out.
  • 4 1/2 pounds of the sweetest strawberries I’ve ever eaten for 4.00.
  • Finding the perfect pair of white sandals, for a great price.
  • A book filled with discount coupons for museums, which will be perfect for Samantha’s visit next month.
  • Finding my favorite Green Tea bags on sale, and stocking up!

April 15, 2009

On What Counts Most…

Filed under: Quotes- Soul Food — gardener @ 10:57 am


We cannot control the past.
We cannot control the future.
What we DO have right in front of us, is TODAY & this very moment …

And it IS what counts the most.
So make the most of it!

I came across these ‘words of wizdom’ a little earlier today, and I couldn’t help but share them.   Often times, we spend so much time looking forward, or living in the past, that we forget to cherish and enjoy what we have- and that’s the right here and now.

I try to make each and every moment count- but I think there is a lesson there for all of us.   

My Gratitude List for April 15, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • The beautiful bouquet of tulips that Desere brought me this morning.
  • Being able to work from home.
  • Completing a project that I’d been wanting to get finished.
  • The present.
  • Lifes little surprises.


March 29, 2009

Sunday Pause- Food for Thought

Filed under: Quotes- Soul Food — gardener @ 4:36 am

A healthy body is a guest-chamber for the soul; a sick body is a prison.

– Francis Bacon

This morning, I found the above quotation in my ‘inbox’, and it caused me to pause and think about the magnitude of those words. While I was sitting here ‘pondering’, the telephone rang, and I saw from the Caller ID that it was my mom-in-law.

She’d called to tell me that she had a chicken breast to go along with my dinner at her house today, because she knew I didn’t want to eat the sausage they are having. I’d planned to bring my own chicken breast, but she insisted, so I relented. If it makes her happy, then why not? After all, it’s just a chicken breast. I just don’t want anyone to feel put out because of my lifestyle.

During the conversation, she proceeded to tell me how great I looked last night at my sister-in-laws 40th birthday bash, and how I must love all the compliments I’ve received for my hard work in my battle to lose weight and get healthy. She said it makes it worth it because everyone is happy for me.

I do appreciate the compliments, although I do find it difficult to discuss from time-to-time, but I don’t do it for the compliments, or the recognition of my ‘blood, sweat, and tears’, I do it because the bottom line is that I want to be healthy.

I know there are some things that we can’t help. There are times when our body rails against us, and for whatever reason, we become ill. That is one of those things that can’t be helped, but many times, it can be avoided.

Before last year, I would have never believed that aside from being overweight, that the food that passed my lips would have an affect on the way that I felt. We all know that high fat, sodium, processed, sugared foods are not good for you, but yet we eat them anyway, but yet I never contributed it to the way I felt. I thought that I felt ‘blah’ because I was overweight and didn’t exercise.

Partly that is true, but mostly, it was the food. More than a year later- I can tell immediately with my energy levels if I’ve eaten or drank processed sugar, or eaten something fried or loaded with fat. I can almost hear my body screaming- WHAT ARE YOU DOING???

Before you think that I never eat sugar, or eat fried food- think again. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t. When I was home for the holidays with Marcel- there were several times that we went out for ‘fried catfish’ or ‘fried mullet’, but rather than having the ‘fried’ catfish, the ‘fried’ french fries, the ‘fried’ hushpuppies, AND the ‘mayo-rich’ cole slaw- I had a couple pieces of catfish, baked potato, and a green salad. I allowed myself either one, or no hushpuppies.

It’s all about moderation, and I’ve learned that, although I do have to remind myself from time to time when I have the urge to get crazy.. that it isn’t worth it.

Last year when we went to Paris with my parents, I remember seeing this HUGE table of desserts in a restaurant we were at. There were several French desserts that I really wanted to try, so I did. I had a few bites of each, and that was more than enough, but it wasn’t long that I felt sooo sleepy, and sooo sluggish.

Those who know me, know that working out was never something that I did. Even when I was not overweight, I didn’t work out. I remember some of my friends talking about how they loved the feeling they had after a workout and I thought they were nuts.. Sweating and panting like an overheated dog- resulting in a great feeling? Nahh, I didn’t see it happening.

But here I am years later, and Yes, Virginia- excersise is enjoyable. It has become a part of my life- like sleeping, eating, breathing, and I know my body thanks me for it.

I’m still not at the weight that I’d like to be, but I’m working towards that, and I know I’ll get there. What I do know, is that there is nothing that I could ever put in my mouth, that is better than being healthy, in both body and mind.

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