Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

June 25, 2013

Smelling the Flowers

Filed under: Gratitude,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 3:48 am

These aren’t roses (obviously) but I took this photo when I was out of town last week.  It was right after a needed rain shower that brought relief to the warm temps we were feeling.    I love how rain always enhances the color of things.

Rhododendrons make me smile.   In fact, most flowers do.   Before I stopped to enjoy them, I took notice that most people were buzzing past them without even a glance to enjoy their beauty.    Isn’t that what so many of us do?

We become so busy getting from point A to B, or from this appointment to the next and fail to notice the beauty right in front of our eyes.    Sometimes that beauty is another person and sometimes it’s a flower.

Do you take the time to notice?

A Month Later

Filed under: Gratitude,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 3:38 am

I have not intentionally abandoned this space- I’ve had a lot to say, but so much has been happening that I’ve felt a little discombobulated at times. Thankfully that isn’t much the case anymore.

I burned my hand, have been doing some traveling, plus working. Those are all good things and I have to say that after all the bumps and road blocks that life has continued to remain good. It doesn’t mean it hasn’t been a bumpy ride for a good portion of this year thus far, but it does mean that as always those things pass and the journey continues. I am extremely blessed. It doesn’t mean that I won’t have struggles, but I know that I will make it through them as long as I remain true to myself and stay on the path I should be on. When I veer in the wrong direction- things become off-balance, very much like a washing machine that has all the clothes settled on to one side.

My biggest Ah-Ha moment this year- is realizing that keeping balance for me is living outside of my comfort zone, not in it. I know that sounds crazy, but in that comfort zone is where complacency happens. That’s the last thing I want or need. I believe for me to grow that doesn’t mean getting comfortable where I am and staying there- that I’ve got to keep moving- that’s where the real change happens. It’s time to get uncomfortable.

May 30, 2013

This Too …

Filed under: Gratitude,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 11:03 am

I’ve been going through quite a bit emotionally lately- and quite honestly I had a moment where I wondered if things would ever change.   Marcel said that it isn’t like me to think so drastic and while he’s right- sometimes when everything hits at once it seems like it may not end.

But the old saying what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger is true.

Yesterday I woke up and it was as though a flip had switched and I felt completely different.    I no longer had the feeling of being overwhelmed with grief and sadness, but instead I felt like ‘me’ again.     I’m not one to run from things since I know it will only show up again down the road- so I’ve taken the time to ‘feel, deal and now ultimately heal’.

I feel great!  Carol’s birthday would have been two days ago and I thought about her and smiled.   I remembered all the wonderful times we had together and celebrated those memories.   I will always miss her- but I’m so grateful for the time we had together.

I have a gratitude app that I write my gratitudes in daily-(a recent thing) but I still want to share them here from time to time- if not daily.  I think it makes a difference to focus on the things in life that I’m grateful for-   and that isn’t always the happy, happy, joy, joy moments, but also the ones that make me sad, because even for those I’m grateful- for it is then when I learn the most.

Today’s bits of gratitude.

  • I’ve mentioned it a lot lately- but I’m so grateful for the people in my life that know me to the depths of my soul- who I am, what I stand for, and accept me for the person that I am.
  • For recommitting myself to good health both mentally and physically and all that it embodies.
  • People who continue to believe in and support my business.
  • Marcel and our relationship.   He is one of my biggest cheerleaders.
  • Vacation plans.

May 23, 2013

Warmth for the Soul

Filed under: Food,Gratitude,Life — gardener @ 9:54 am

The weather we are having here in the land of Never is definitely much more on the cooler side than it usually is this time of the  year..   I am not complaining, because I know that while the temperatures may be a little on the cooler side-   that there is always something worse.    Like the horrific tornado that went through Oklahoma leaving a path of devastation in its wake.    So you won’t hear me complaining about a little wind- rain and cool weather.  (Truth be told- I don’t mind cool weather at all.)

This afternoon-  I spent some time in quiet reflection and before I did I gathered some mint from my plant outside and brewed myself a cup of tea.   It was refreshing and delicious.  No honey, agave or any other sweetners, just pure mint.    It not only warmed the body- but also the soul.

Life is good.    I smile in amazement at all the wonderful blessings that surround me.   I have some of the most beautiful friends a person could want-  and I’m grateful.

March 29, 2013

Good Friday Gratitude

Filed under: Gratitude,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 8:54 am

Things have been extremely busy here with all the prep work for an upcoming event I’m participating in, plus with everyday fun things and life in general. I have given myself this weekend to not only celebrate Easter- but also to rest and go back at it in full-swing come Tuesday. That may mean some restructure, but nothing I can’t handle. Living my best life means always being ready to change and grow, plus make the best out of each moment.

This week in Gratitude- March 29.

  • Grateful for time spent with a dear friend.  It was a time to recharge- laugh- and just enjoy each others company.   Friends are the glue that keep us together.
  • Getting the new lasagne pan completely clean after a little accident in the kitchen. (don’t ask haha)
  • The person who left the tulips on the door for me to find.   Thank you.
  • New business opportunities that weren’t even on my radar but if they work out- could be HUGE for my business.
  • Surprise Easter orders.

March 20, 2013

Go To Girl

Filed under: Gratitude,Life,Shop til ya Drop,Techy — gardener @ 3:44 am

I love that I am my parents ‘go to’ girl for when they need help with anything related to the computer. If they are having issues- can’t quite figure out how to do something, or even need to find a particular product- I’m their girl. When they were looking for some screen for the back porch and wanting the best price possible- they called me, when diddy needed to find hydraulic swing clamps for his neighbor, who doesn’t own a computer- he called me. I’m happy to be able to be there for them, even though we are far apart distance wise.

It’s the beauty of technology and I figure after all they’ve done for me in my lifetime, it’s the very least I could do for them.

March 7, 2013

Always Gratitude

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 2:32 pm

Through everything- the one thing that never falters is my gratitude. It doesn’t matter what’s happening around me- I know that there is always something good to find in everything and I’m determined to do just that.

Today- in the midst of all that is swirling around me- there is peace and the following:

Thursday’s bits of gratitude.

1- A few days of warmer temps and sunshine.

2- Doing Marcel’s taxes and filing them without too many “What does that mean?” questions.

3- JJ cooperating with me today when I gave him a quick ‘trim’ and a bath.

4- Home alone nights.

5- The knowledge that there are lessons and blessings in EVERYTHING- even in letting go. Sometimes you have to let go so you can grow.

February 21, 2013

In the Meantime..

Filed under: Gratitude,Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 5:58 am

A lot has happened in the last week- and I’ve learned quite a few very valuable lessons. I know that sounds cryptic- and I don’t mean it to, but I’m unable to do a lot of ‘talking- typing’ or any of the like at the moment. Blog writing for me today is actually an exercise in seeing how I feel just by doing what many would deem as a simple task. So far so good, but it’s a slow-going process.

In the meantime- I’m grateful for the sunshine and the green sprouts I’ve seen on some of my perennials- which is a sure sign (in spite of the forecast of weekend snow) that Spring is just around the corner.

February 13, 2013

Delivery Made

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 6:34 am

My weekend delivery turned out to be a day filled with a lot of joy and excitement. Not only did I have a wonderful time meeting the guy who placed the order for his girlfriend and learning about him and his culture- but I also had the opportunity to meet up with a dear friend who happened to be spending the weekend in the same are. It was all coincidental, but it was a great day in the making and combine that with a few snowball fights and having my favorite guy with me- the day couldn’t have been better.

I’m grateful- so very grateful for all the blessings in my life and the people who make my life even sweeter!

January 30, 2013

Gratitude- January 30

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 10:02 am

One more day and we will be knocking on the door of February.  Am I the only one who is having a hard time believing that January is almost over?  Time is definitely flying by thus far in 2013.

Today I’m having a very relaxing day-  one with little contact with the outside world and time to reflect on so many things happening around me.  I’m feeling grateful- for so many things- my cup runneth over.

Is my life perfect?  Far from it-   but it is good and I am grateful.

Bits of Gratitude for January 30, 2013.

  1. Feeling the warmth of sunshine on my shoulders.
  2. Chocolate-Pecan roast coffee from Dee’s Pecans, courtesy of my sweet brother.
  3. The locksmith who got her promptly after being called this morning to get the broken key out of our front door lock.
  4. Marcel- for recognizing that I really needed a day of rest, and offering to get the groceries for me.
  5. Mrs. Kromwijk and the beautiful ‘welcome home’ tulips she gave me.
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