Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

June 30, 2010

Sands Through the Hourglass

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 11:22 am

It seems like the sands of time have been flowing quickly through the hourglass lately and I’ve found myself with not quite enough time to take care of everything I need or want to get done. I know some of it is time management, and other is that I’ve had some extra things to do that needed attention and have taken away time from my regularly scheduled programming.

The first few weeks of July are always busy ones for me. There is the 4th to consider, along with Samantha’s birthday, my own birthday, and the birthday of several other people that I love dearly. I’ve also got work to toss into the salad mixture and it just keeps me stretched thin. If I veer from my path even a smidge, then the entire train seems to derail, so I’m trying to stay focused.

I DO think I’m learning how to get my breathing under control while doing my running. I’m still a far cry from being able to do run a 5k, but I continue to do my intervals according to the plan and I’m doing well. I actually repeated the first week again this week, mostly because of whines from Marcel about it being too hard. This morning I was feeling the lack of sleep and stressors from yesterday, along with the humidity left from an early morning thunderstorm. I struggled through the work out, but I was victorious and happy.

I have so much to say- but right now, I don’t have the time for more.

June 28, 2010

I’m a Runner After All

Filed under: 5k Training,Health/ Fitness,Things I Love — gardener @ 9:01 am

Well this is week two of the couch to 5k training, and I decided that we’d stick with the first week’s plan. I know that I could easily move on to week 2 (well easily may be stretching it), but I know that Marcel is complaining about what we are doing now, so I’m going to ease him into it next week. I know that it is going to be hard, but I know that I will prevail.

I was running along this morning and was thinking to myself that I’d be thrilled when I could actually call myself a runner. As I was jogging along, I began to question myself, since I was running, obviously I could call myself a runner. That made me smile. I’m definitely not the strongest or the fastest, but the one thing I’ve been is consistent and that makes me smile.

I’m a runner- Saying that feels good.

June 23, 2010

Slow Progression

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 8:24 am

There has been quite a bit going on around here, but I still managed to get my second work out in for the couch to 5k run. It was easier than the other day in some ways, yet in other ways it was more difficult. I was running along and thinking to myself as I was panting like a dog that I may never get this race done, but I know I’m just at the beginning and I’m thinking too far ahead.

Marcel said that we should get a stainless steel drum and that I could use it to train with, but he thought that could be more of strength training with me picking it up and turning it end over end. I’m not sure about that, but at least I find that he’s starting to think about these things as well.

Time for a shower- Dinner in half an hour.

June 20, 2010

Couch to 5k

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 11:34 am

Tomorrow begins my training three times a week (Monday- Wednesday- Friday) for a 5k run that I hope to have the opportunity to do sometime later this year.  

This is from the Couch to 5K program, and even though I’m not exactly what you’d consider a couch potato- I’m definitely a beginner when it comes to running.    I am looking forward to seeing how this goes and hopefully running a race with my friend Micha when we are home for the holidays. 

I really need to invest in a good pair of running shoes, but for now that will wait.   I may be sorry late, but I will use the shoes I’ve been practice running in since they’ve worked just fine up until now.   I’m planning on tossing some elliptical in the mix on the off days along with some strength training to burn extra calories and hopefully get the scales moving again in the downward direction.   It’s not that long until our trip and I have a lot to accomplish between now and then.   7 is going to come mighty early each morning, but once I get used to it, I’m sure I’ll be fine.   

Feel free to join me if you’d like.

June 4, 2010


Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Home,Life — gardener @ 4:42 am

I’d love to say that the reason I’ve been so quiet around here is because I’ve been off vacationing in some tropical locale where I have someone fanning me as I lie in the sun, but unfortunately that hasn’t been the case. I’ve been sick for a week now and just got out of the house for the first time yesterday. One good thing about the time inside is that I’ve had time to do things like check life insurance prices and check out a few other things that I’ve been meaning to do.

My time online has been less than usual, aside from work. I’d like to say that I’m fully back in the swing of things, but I went out earlier to pick up a few groceries and right now all I want to do is sleep. Looks like it’s going to take a while before I’m at 100%, and I’m not going to push it.

May 29, 2010

Rather Be Sleeping

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 4:36 am

I have about a half hour before I have to start work, and I am still trying to figure out where I’m going to get the energy for it. I just finished eating breakfast, and I had to force down every last bite, and I’m struggling to drink a glass of water, simply because I don’t want it. I know I need it, so eventually I’ll choke it down, but I’d rather sleep. Speaking of sleep, if I don’t start sleeping better than I’ve been doing, I’m going to need some wrinkle cream at an earlier age than I should need it. This girl definitely needs her beauty sleep and she hasn’t been getting it.

I guess I’d better walk the dog and get some coffee brewed. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long afternoon.


Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 4:32 am

I was looking in the mirror the other day and I noticed that I have this one little roll of fat that I just can’t seem to get rid of. Technically, there are more, but this one area seems to be a problem. I mentioned to Marcel that I had a feeling that even when I met my goal weight, that I’d still have that little roll. It’s probably going to be one of those things I have to live with. I’ve even read a few apidexin reviews to see if there was a possibility that it would help me get rid of that little blob, but I really believe that ultimately diet and exercise are going to be the only thing. Persistence, persistence… etc.

May 26, 2010

No Magic Pills

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 4:50 am

In my quest to lose weight and get healthier, I can’t tell you how many reviews I’ve read on many diets, and diet pills. One that I’ve found interesting is one that I recently read on lipozene. The reviews talk about the product, but it also shares comments by others who have all returned the product for their money back because they didn’t feel that it worked. I’ve never tried it, so I couldn’t say one way or the other, but it does confirm what I’ve known all along, that it isn’t about being on a ‘diet’ or taking a magic pill, or even expecting instant results; it’s about changing your lifestyle one step at a time, adding physical exercise and that’s when the lasting results will happen.

The magic is in your choices- not in a pill.

Knowing and Doing

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 4:44 am

This is going to sound kind of gross, but lately I’ve felt as though I could use a good ‘cleaning out’, so to speak. I have a feeling that I’ve been feeling that way because my eating has been less than ideal, and when I read colon cleanse reviews, it gave me the idea that maybe I should try it. I never really believed that eating the wrong things compared to eating the right things would really make a huge difference in the way a person feels, but in the past week, I’ve learned otherwise. One night I became physically sick simply because I ate something that my body was no longer used to having. It wasn’t that I really overdid it either, but my body revolted and I guess wondered what the heck I was doing.

One of my favorite quotes definitely applies here- “When you know better, you do better.” Maya Angelou. I definitely know better, and my choices will reflect it.

Change Focus

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 4:34 am

Lately it seems like because I’ve been more focused on food, that I’ve been eating all the wrong things. I’m not beating myself up about it, but I do know that I’m not making the best choices and I can’t continue on this path. I know that it isn’t the food that is the problem, but that I’m the problem, or rather, my emotions are the problem. I’ve been looking at 7-dfbx review and reading other information in hopes that it will ignite the spark in me to get moving again and start making better choices. I know I can do it.

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