Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

April 10, 2011


Filed under: Gratitude,Health/ Fitness,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 10:30 am

Dear Body-

I don’t think I’ve ever taken the time to thank you for always being there for me when I need you.   You never fail to perform and continue to be strong and kind to me, even when I’ve not always treated you the way I should.    I appreciate you-  every single inch and I just wanted to thank you for everything.

Love always-


March 29, 2011

Make Like Forrest and RUN!

Filed under: 5k Training,Health/ Fitness,Inspiration — gardener @ 8:50 am

I bought these shoes a while back because I thought it would be good while trying to train for a 5K to actually have ‘running shoes’ as opposed to Crocs to run in.   I know- it sounds crazy (and probably looked even crazier), but those Crocs made some pretty good running shoes.

I will admit that I bought these because the stripe was red (one of my favorite colors), and then I bought the “Project RED- Nike shoestrings” simply because they matched so well.    I also found out that these shoes would support the Nike + iPod (iPhone) platform, so I bought the sensor and I was ready.

Yesterday I put my ‘shoes’ on and I walked to Desere’s-  9 minutes for just under 3/4 of a mile.   I wasn’t running- but walking and based on the fact that I was out of breath, I obviously need to put those shoes on more often.

I did a little running yesterday afternoon with JJ  in hopes that he’d get a shed a little excess energy- and I felt great.

I think I need to make like Forrest Gump and start -running more often.  Who wants to join me?   Now that the daylight hours are longer- it makes it so easy to walk in the evenings after dinner.

March 26, 2011


Filed under: Food,Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 9:20 am

After the Chinese food, Girl Scout cookie dinner that I just had- it won’t surprise me one bit if I end up with blackheads on nose as a part of the punishment of my choices. I know- it sounds a little over the top, or maybe even silly, but the truth of the matter is- I’ve had one of those days that I want to eat everything but the kitchen sink.

Thankfully- I can now say the kitchen is CLOSED, so I will keep out and hopefully not consume another calorie between now and tomorrow. I almost liked having vertigo better- At least then I didn’t want to eat.

March 23, 2011

What’s Good For One..

Filed under: Food,Health/ Fitness,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 12:23 pm

While I’m catching up on my blogging- I’m watching a weight loss show that I recorded at another time and the weight loss in the past few weeks are amazing.  Of course- there are some that are less amazing results, but I find these type of shows motivating.  I enjoy hearing how they do things- and one of the women in the interviews commented that she’d done a lot of research online, including reading hydroxycut reviews and a few others. She said she was tired of taking the easy way out and was ready to confront the emotional eating- and the results have proved that.

I know that everyone is different and their bodies are different, so I’m always happy to see what works for one, while it doesn’t work for another- the bottom line- healthy eating is the best for everyone- regardless of how that’s done.

March 17, 2011

101 in 1001 has Begun

Filed under: 101 in 1001 days,Health/ Fitness,Inspiration — gardener @ 7:07 am

My plan was to start the Day Zero project of 101 things in 1001 days on the first of April so that I could actually build up a list of 101 things before I started checking them out. Well, you know what they say about the best made plans. While I only have 30 something items on my ‘to do’ list, I’ve already completed one, so I decided to start writing now, since I want to write about the list as I complete items on it.

If you’re curious about what’s on my list so far- you’re welcome to check it out here. That’s my public profile which shows all the exciting things that I plan to do. Some are easy- and others are quite the challenge.

Now that I have all the logistics out of the way it’s time to get to the first ‘done’ item on my list.

Walk either to or from Bobbi’s house.
I checked this off my list yesterday, but I’m just getting around to writing about it.

Bobbi is my friend who lives in the town next to mine. Her house is a little over three miles (or around 5k), but in all the years we’ve been friends, I’ve never walked to or from her place. It isn’t that the distance is daunting to me- because it’s far from it. I added it to the list for several reasons: 1-Because I really wanted the exercise, 2- Because it was something I’d never done and I really had no reason as to why I hadn’t and 3- Because there’s a fairly remote stretch of road between our homes and I wanted to overcome any idea that I had that it may not be completely safe. It’s a great part of town, it’s just a little remote and not somewhere you see people walking. You see a lot of people biking and driving, but not walking.

Yesterday I visited Bobbi and left her house with the idea that I’d catch the train home. It isn’t far. When I got to the train station, I told myself not to be lazy- and to just ‘keep walking’, so I did just that. I didn’t have the right shoes on, and ended up with a pretty nasty blister in the process, but I did it. PLUS, I did it in UNDER the time that Google Maps told me that it would take to walk it- 49 minutes according to Google Maps and I did it in 45 (which included a stop to watch a lady train her dog to herd sheep).

Are any of you doing the 101 in 1001 challenge? If so, let me know so I can follow your progress. My friend Kimmie and I are doing it together, so we are challenging each other as to what we will put on our lists. It’s a fun project and you have 1001 days.

March 10, 2011

Time to Stop Talking

Filed under: Food for Thought,Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 10:27 am

I’ve been talking for a month now about starting my exercise program again, and what I’ve noticed is that I have a pattern of putting this off. I’m not sure why I don’t just ‘do it’, but instead find a reason why I don’t want or feel like exercising. I KNOW that I feel better and more energetic when I spend time working out and getting in some cardio time on the elliptical, but yet I find myself making excuse after excuse.

It’s time to stop talking and start doing. The road to progress begins with a single step- and it’s time I took it.

March 6, 2011

Time to Soar

Filed under: Food for Thought,Health/ Fitness,Life's Little Hiccups — gardener @ 12:10 pm

Probably the highlight of my weekend is the fact that the sun has been shining. I know- something simple, yet something that has made such a huge difference in how I feel. I’m finding myself with more energy, even though I know that I need to start exercising and eating well on a regular basis. I was doing ok- but things took a southerly turn recently. Tomorrow is a new day and I find myself with new-found inspiration and energy. I’m not ready to start swinging from the chandeliers, but I know that every good choice is a step in the right direction. I’ve been getting the rest that I need, now it’s time to start soaring.

February 26, 2011


Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life,Memories,Sands of Time,Seasons — gardener @ 6:51 am

Lately, I’ve been having a LOT of dreams about Carol. Some of you who know me know who she is and others who have been reading this space for a while (or one of my other blogs) may also know that Carol was my aunt and best friend for many years. Last year she passed away after an out of the blue seizure that left her unable to survive without a ventilator.

In many ways it still seems surreal to me. I couldn’t go home for the funeral- not because I didn’t want to, but because I couldn’t make the trip alone. Emotionally, I knew I would crumble. Instead, I wrote something that was ultimately read at the funeral. When I think back about writing it- everything is pretty much a haze. Sort of like most of last year.

Last year in spite of all the great things that happened in my life- it was also a year of great loss. I didn’t stop to heal because too much was happening. One thing right after another- like a stack of dominos and the only way I knew to survive was to work. That would keep me from thinking… but as with all things we don’t deal with- comes back to haunt us later. (That’s an entry for another day.)

I’m sure I’m having the dreams because next week will be the anniversary of this horrible moment in time. Last night- I opened my document folder where I have the letter that I wrote for Carol’s service. I stared at it for a little while and then I read it- for the first time since I wrote it. I don’t remember capturing so much of the essence of who she was- as much as that’s possible on paper. I cried and cried some more.

There are still moments when I don’t believe it’s real, even one year later. Even now- I still am unable to write my feelings, at least not for the world to see. Maybe I could write them on a piece of paper and tuck them away- although I somehow doubt that as well. I know I should… It could only help.

February 20, 2011

“Food” for Thought

Filed under: Food,Food for Thought,Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 9:30 am

I know quite a few people who are on a journey to weight loss. Some of them consider only the end result, and honestly don’t care how they get there. There are others who want to shed the pounds but also want to make sure they do it in the healthiest manner possible.

I always find the contrast between the two interesting. Eating right and exercising versus starving and taking OxyElite Pro or other aids for weight loss. Personally, I choose eating right and exercise because I believe it is the ONLY way to shed pounds and be healthy long term.

Today I actually came across an old passport picture of myself before I lost any weight. I knew it was me- but if standing side by side- I don’t think people would realize we are the same people. In many ways we are not.

February 19, 2011

On Age and Wisdom

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Inspiration,Sands of Time — gardener @ 9:20 am

When I was around 20-21 years old, I remember thinking that I needed to lose weight. Granted, I didn’t ‘really’ need to lose weight, but somewhere I’d gotten this idea planted in my head. Back in the day- I didn’t think or know anything about ‘healthy eating’, so my solution was to take ephedra diet pills. Not only did it give me energy, it made me not even want to consider eating. Needless to say- I lost weight (even though I was already a size 8).

Here I am 20+ years later and several sizes larger than an 8 and learned that the best way to get where you want to go is to do the work, not by taking shortcuts. That can be said with diet and exercise, but also pretty much with everything else in life.

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