Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

March 29, 2009


Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 4:46 am

Since I didn’t get the chance to do one yesterday, and I don’t want the day to get away without me doing one today, I wanted to share my gratitude list for today.

Two more days left in this month, and we’ll kiss it goodbye and welcome April.

The old saying goes, “April showers, bring May flowers.” but with all the rain that so many of us have had in March, it makes me wonder if the flowers will come early this year, or if April will be kind in terms of rainfall. Personally, I could use a little more sunshine, although I’m grateful for what we’ve had.

My Gratitude List for March 29, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Springing forward, which means longer days.
  • My mom-in-law for respecting my wishes to eat healthy.
  • Good health.
  • Mister M. not waking me during the night.
  • People who ask questions that are actually interested in the answer.

Sunday Pause- Food for Thought

Filed under: Quotes- Soul Food — gardener @ 4:36 am

A healthy body is a guest-chamber for the soul; a sick body is a prison.

– Francis Bacon

This morning, I found the above quotation in my ‘inbox’, and it caused me to pause and think about the magnitude of those words. While I was sitting here ‘pondering’, the telephone rang, and I saw from the Caller ID that it was my mom-in-law.

She’d called to tell me that she had a chicken breast to go along with my dinner at her house today, because she knew I didn’t want to eat the sausage they are having. I’d planned to bring my own chicken breast, but she insisted, so I relented. If it makes her happy, then why not? After all, it’s just a chicken breast. I just don’t want anyone to feel put out because of my lifestyle.

During the conversation, she proceeded to tell me how great I looked last night at my sister-in-laws 40th birthday bash, and how I must love all the compliments I’ve received for my hard work in my battle to lose weight and get healthy. She said it makes it worth it because everyone is happy for me.

I do appreciate the compliments, although I do find it difficult to discuss from time-to-time, but I don’t do it for the compliments, or the recognition of my ‘blood, sweat, and tears’, I do it because the bottom line is that I want to be healthy.

I know there are some things that we can’t help. There are times when our body rails against us, and for whatever reason, we become ill. That is one of those things that can’t be helped, but many times, it can be avoided.

Before last year, I would have never believed that aside from being overweight, that the food that passed my lips would have an affect on the way that I felt. We all know that high fat, sodium, processed, sugared foods are not good for you, but yet we eat them anyway, but yet I never contributed it to the way I felt. I thought that I felt ‘blah’ because I was overweight and didn’t exercise.

Partly that is true, but mostly, it was the food. More than a year later- I can tell immediately with my energy levels if I’ve eaten or drank processed sugar, or eaten something fried or loaded with fat. I can almost hear my body screaming- WHAT ARE YOU DOING???

Before you think that I never eat sugar, or eat fried food- think again. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t. When I was home for the holidays with Marcel- there were several times that we went out for ‘fried catfish’ or ‘fried mullet’, but rather than having the ‘fried’ catfish, the ‘fried’ french fries, the ‘fried’ hushpuppies, AND the ‘mayo-rich’ cole slaw- I had a couple pieces of catfish, baked potato, and a green salad. I allowed myself either one, or no hushpuppies.

It’s all about moderation, and I’ve learned that, although I do have to remind myself from time to time when I have the urge to get crazy.. that it isn’t worth it.

Last year when we went to Paris with my parents, I remember seeing this HUGE table of desserts in a restaurant we were at. There were several French desserts that I really wanted to try, so I did. I had a few bites of each, and that was more than enough, but it wasn’t long that I felt sooo sleepy, and sooo sluggish.

Those who know me, know that working out was never something that I did. Even when I was not overweight, I didn’t work out. I remember some of my friends talking about how they loved the feeling they had after a workout and I thought they were nuts.. Sweating and panting like an overheated dog- resulting in a great feeling? Nahh, I didn’t see it happening.

But here I am years later, and Yes, Virginia- excersise is enjoyable. It has become a part of my life- like sleeping, eating, breathing, and I know my body thanks me for it.

I’m still not at the weight that I’d like to be, but I’m working towards that, and I know I’ll get there. What I do know, is that there is nothing that I could ever put in my mouth, that is better than being healthy, in both body and mind.

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