Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

April 26, 2009

Purple Splendor

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 8:51 am


Is it just me, or has this weekend flown past? It seems like I blinked my eyes and we went from Friday to Sunday. Do not pass go- Do not collect $200.00.

Maybe Saturday sort of faded off into Sunday, because I spent most of the day cleaning yesterday. It wasn’t exactly how I wanted to spend my Saturday, but truth is, I’d been ‘playing’ so much the past week, that several things in house had been left unattended, and I knew they needed to be taken care of. I did get almost everything done that I’d hoped to get done, and that left me today to spend time with Desere and the boys when they came for a visit, only I still need to get in the bath, plus do this weeks Bible Study, and somewhere in between I need to have dinner.

Marcel went to his moms for Sunday dinner, but he was suppose to be working (but took the day off so he could watch the soccer match), so I decided to stay home and play catch-up. The week is shaping up to be a busy one, but there is much rain in the forecast, which could hinder some of my plans. I’m happy with it either way, because I have a stack of things I can do around here.

I’ve also been wanting to create some new jewelry, something I haven’t had much time for lately. I have several new ideas, so I need to see how they come together, before I forget what ideas it was that I had in the first place.

As much as I’d like to stay and ramble, I really should get my Bible Study done, and get something to eat. I feel like I haven’t eaten all day, although nothing could be further from the truth.

My Gratitude List for April 26, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • An afternoon spent with Desere and the boys.
  • Unexpected gifts.
  • Spicy tomato soup.
  • Pushing through my work-out, when I really wanted to stop.
  • Rain.

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