My favorite guy graduated from school today. I’m so proud of him! He came home (I wasn’t allowed to attend, due to safety reasons because it was on company property) and couldn’t wait to show me his diploma. They had also given him a couple of goodies – a pretty silver pen, and a usb memory stick- those always come in handy.
I know he probably feels the way I did when I reached the top of that tower earlier this week- In the beginning of this school term, he doubted whether he could make it through- he found it to be much too difficult with work and everything, but I encouraged and pushed him to perservere- and to believe in his abilities. He struggled, but he never gave up, and today he graduated with flying colors!!
So today I’m grateful for all things Marcel- I’m grateful that he never gave up on himself, that he pushed through his self-doubt and in the end triumphed over his fears. I’m grateful that he can now take a deep breath and a sigh of relief that he’s not only done this, but he’s finished and school is now something he no longer has to think of. I’m grateful for him, just for being him- the man I love.