Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

September 10, 2009


Filed under: Inspiration — gardener @ 3:13 pm

This morning I opened my gmail to find that I had an email from one of my diddy’s sisters.   She said she just wanted me to know that she was thinking of me and to let me know that she loved me. 

It was the first thing I read this morning, and while it isn’t a surprise to hear from her, because I haven’t heard from her in a while, it was a wonderful surprise to recieve. 

There is no greater feeling than to love and to know y0u are loved.    Go tell someone that you love them, or better yet, do something to SHOW them that you love them.   Doesn’t have to cost anything, but come from your heart.

Remember the best way to receive love- is to first give it away, without expectation.

September 7, 2009

Great Day!

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 11:39 am

I called mom a little while ago to find that my great aunt was there.  She’s more like a grandmother to me, since all of my grandparents have passed on, and she’s one of the most lovely women I’ve ever met in my life.  I adore her so much, and miss her more than words can say.  I talked to her for a little while and she told me that she’d been making quilts, by hand the old fashioned way.    She said she’d just finished one, and then said that she had been wanting to make me a quilt but she wasn’t sure how to send it to me because she’s afraid it would cost an arm and a leg to send.  I reminded her that we would be coming home for the holidays next year and that we could bring it home with us then if she wanted to make me one, and she said that was a great idea, and that’s what she’s going to do.   I’m VERY excited.   I love quilts and this one is extra special because she’s going to make it for me, by hand.  She’s in her 80’s and I can only hope when I reach her age that I have the stamina and love of life that she does.  

IN other great news, one of our local supermarkets remodeled and had their grand reopening this past week.   When you spend 35.00 on groceries, they give you a box filled with goodies for free.  We got one on Friday, which was filled with all sorts of things that we use, plus it included a bottle of red wine that I stashed away for when someone visits who wants a glass of wine.   In addition I received a coupon good for 5 dollars off a 35.00 purchase for both this week and next.. AND  a free apple tart, a free loaf of sunflower seed bread, and a free package of 4 large meatballs that were made in their meat department.     If that wasn’t great enough- today when I went in and used my 5.00 coupon, I spent another 35.00 so they gave me one of the boxes that were left. (there were about 6 of them), plus another set of coupons.  I gave the 5.00 off coupon to my sister in law, and we’ll go back later in the week and pick up the free goodies.    We gave the free meatballs to my  mom in law because she likes those, and plus some of the things out of the package that we really didn’t need double of, such as the wine, paper towels and a few other things.  I’m sure she’ll be thrilled.

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.   Take the time to be grateful for something in your life today… and remember …. Life is good!

September 5, 2009


Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 4:12 pm

Since the last entry I made, the rains have stopped and my imminent need for a boat has passed. The winds have also died down to almost nothing, and with the rains went the temps. The weather has been cool and downright fallish, and truth is- I’m loving it..

This coming week, I think I’m going to take my work outside and see what I can get accomplished while using Marcel’s laptop, provided that he doesn’t need it.

I haven’t made a gratitude list in a while, and I do have much to be grateful for, so before I say goodnight:

My Gratitude List for September 5, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Phone calls from friends.
  • Mister M. being wonderful while I tried to get my work done.
  • The soon-to-be addition to our family.
  • Progress
  • Marcel, for the little things in house that he did for me today to make my life easier.

September 3, 2009

Afloat in a Boat

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 11:15 am

While I’m having a little break from the reality of work, I thought I’d mention the weather we are having. It has to be the remnants of one of those wayward hurricanes or tropical storms, because we’ve had high winds and lots of rain all day. In fact, if I had some pond supplies, I think we’ve had enough rain to fill a pond. Then the only thing I’d need were some fish, and a boat.

Lost- Can’t See The Forest For The Trees

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 11:12 am

Ever have one of those days when you feel lost and like you should maybe send out your coordinances so someone can put them into a gps and find where you are? That’s how I feel today. I’m lost and I can’t even find myself.

Don’t worry, I’m fine- more than fine actually, but I’m having one of those frustrating days when I can’t decide whether I’m coming or going, and the light at the end of the tunnel seems to be an oncoming train. Who knows, maybe it’s a rescue train- I can only hope.

In the meantime- the search to find my way out of the woods continues. Only thing is- I’m having a problem seeing the forest for the trees. 🙂

This too shall pass… Just a little venting moment.

September 2, 2009

Almost There…

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 5:03 pm

I do believe that I’m finally striking a balance and that if all contines to go as today has gone, that before long I’ll be able to get everything accomplished that I hope in a day, plus still have a little me time. I’m tired after a full day of work and a few great conversations with people I love, but I expect tomorrow to bring another great day to my world. I’m going to do a back up with my Promotional flash drive, and then I’m going to call it a night. I was hoping to sleep in tomorrow, but my work load took a busy turn and if I want to get everything completed that I hope, it’s going to mean some serious hustling tomorrow. I love the challenge of a deadline though, not only the one that I’ve been given, but also trying to keep another that was pushed back due to a more urgent project coming up. I can do it- After all, they don’t call me Wiz for nothin’.

September 1, 2009

Words of “Wiz”dom

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 11:55 am

I do have so much to say, but unfortunately after spending 8 or 9 hours a day writing, the first thing that seems to be suffering is my poor journals. I’ll figure out a way to get my time in here too though, somehow. One thing at a time. Since I haven’t spent much time with my husband today, and he’s working 12 hours tomorrow, I’m going to spend some time with him and leave you a little something to think about.

This quote reminds me of someone. I won’t mention any names, because that part doesn’t matter. What matters is that if you let it, anger and lack of forgiveness can eat away at your body worse than any cancer. Live with love. That’s what life is all about. Let go of the past, forgive- it isn’t for the other person, it’s for yourself.

Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone else. You are the one who gets burned.

– Buddha

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