In the midst of all my busyness, I’ve still had many great things happen this week, and those definitely don’t go unnoticed. I’m grateful for all that happens in my life, even the not so great stuff- (and there’s been a little of that this week as well) because I know it serves a purpose and teaches me something.
SO, with all that in mind, I’ll share just a few of the things that I’m grateful for not only today, but this week.
My Gratitude List for February 12, 2010.
Today I’m Grateful For:
- The beautiful bouquet of roses that Marcel gave me yesterday as an early Valentine’s Day present.
- Receiving the package of steel-cut oats and Coffee-Mate that mom and dad sent me.
- Phone calls and notes with my BFF’s.
- The fact that JJ is much smarter than I ever gave him credit for.
- Being on the end of a work week and starting the weekend.
- Snow Days.
- The fact that there are naturalĀ acne treatments out there.
- Chocolate velvet coffee
- The new season of Survivor starting again
- Dinner reservations at one of Jamie Oliver’s restaurants.