Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

March 19, 2010

Anticipating Weekend

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 3:14 am

I don’t know if I’ve ever been so happy to see Friday as I am this week. I’m ready to relax, kick up my feet and do a whole lot of nothing. In preparations for doing exactly that, I’ve been getting a few things done around the house this morning, which includes but is not limited to cleaning all the sinks, the toilet and vacuuming. And to think, all that before breakfast. Actually, I did it while my steel-cut oats were cooking and I’m headed to the kitchen to grab them and a cup of coffee with freshly ground beans (that I also ground myself this morning).

I’m anticipating good things, even with Marcel struggling with the shingles. Poor guy is miserable and nothing seems to be helping with the pain. I think he’s going to call the doc this morning and protest and demand some medication.

March 18, 2010

Woke Up To Spring

Filed under: Life,Seasons — gardener @ 1:26 pm

I couldn’t believe it this morning when I woke up, it seemed like the weather had changed overnight and spring had arrived and was wrapped up with a beautiful red bow and presented on our doorstep. Now, the crocus and daffodils have been blooming for about a week, and I’d say that they are probably getting close to their peak- the crocus that is, not the daffodils. I would venture to say that the daffodils probably still have a week or two (maybe longer) before they reach their peak, but it’s coming. Following them will be the tulips, in all their colorful glory. I can’t wait.

I didn’t have as much work today as usual, so I was able to spend some time walking with JJ and enjoying the day. I was also feeling a little lazy and doing things in the house, so I went out walking with him at noon, but was still in my PJ’s. I’m sure some people were a little surprised, but I figure why not? It was my trusty flannel coffee PJ’s and they happen to be pretty cute.

I didn’t stay in the PJ’s all day though. I did put on real clothes not long after that. After all, a girl can’t be improper all day can she?

I don’t know if it’s spring, but I tend to attribute it to answered prayers, but I’m feeling better- MUCH better. I’m grateful.

Fun Everywhere You Look

Filed under: Life,Travel — gardener @ 1:19 pm

Since I’ve been thinking a whole lot about travel the past few weeks, I’ve been looking at different vacation destinations, including the East Coast. I have always been a fan of amusement parks, and place I’ve never been is on NJ Amusement Rides, so I was thinking it would be fun to combine a trip to Morey’s Piers and NYC. The great thing about this time of the year is that I was able to find out that Morey’s is having a Spring Sale that can save up to 35%, plus they have a new ride coming this summer, which looks exciting.

After browsing the site, I have to say that I love the fact that it combines two of my favorite things, both water and amusement park rides all in one place. That means you get more fun for your buck, and it leaves me ready to pack my bags and head East. Who wants to join me? It looks like there is something for everyone, including Marcel who isn’t thrilled about roller coasters but loves the calmer rides.

March 17, 2010

Answered Prayers

Filed under: Gratitude,Life,Shop til ya Drop,Techy — gardener @ 2:37 pm

The past couple of days have been really difficult for me.   In fact, I was starting to think that things were going to continue getting worse and that getting better just wasn’t a menu option.   Until today.    I asked on Facebook for prayers, and I know they were sent up because they were answered in a big way.

I had plans to meet my friends Anna and Bobbi today for lunch, and this morning when I woke up, all I could do was cry.   As much as I wanted to see them, I didn’t want to do anything.  I wanted to go to bed and stay there.   But I didn’t.  I  smiled that the sun was shining and I met my friends.   We had a wonderful time, and I felt better.

The outpouring of love and prayers that I felt from a simple request on FB meant a great deal to me.   I could feel it.   My prayers were answered and by the time this evening rolled around, I felt much, much better.    I can’t say that I’m without grief, because I’d be lying, but what I can say is that God is good and my prayers were answered.

I also came home to find that my friend Kimmie had sent me a Magic Jack, so I bought a new phone to use with it, and I set it up.  I now have a number that people can use to call me for FREE!   Don’t you just love that word?  I do!   Thank you Kimmie for blessing me, and for brightening my day even more.  You are the BEST!

Thank the rest of you, for praying on my behalf.  It means more than you know.

March 16, 2010

When All Else Fails- Be Grateful

Filed under: Gratitude,Life,Memories — gardener @ 12:28 pm

Last night I had a mini- (ok not so mini) meltdown. It came late, at 12:30 at night, but I guess those kind of things don’t really have a schedule, they just come and go when they please. It wasn’t pretty, and I’d like to say that I woke up this morning feeling like a million bucks, but I’d be lying to you, and to myself.

I’m not being negative, but I’m greiving and these things take time. I can’t apologize for it, because it just is what it is.

What I can do, is take a little time to be grateful for the things in my life today and share them with you. Maybe it will inspire you in the midst of your own life to take a moment, pause and just be grateful.

My Gratitude List for March 16, 2010

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Bobbi joining us today at Bible Study and having some time to chat with her and catch up in the train.
  • Sunshine and warmer temperatures.
  • Going for an after dinner walk with JJ and Marcel in the sunshine.
  • A light workload.
  • Illy Coffee with Vanilla Coffee-Mate

Fallen In A Rabbit Hole

Filed under: Life,Memories — gardener @ 12:23 pm

This morning I woke up after a really bad night and almost wished I was like Alice and had fallen into a hole and woke up somewhere like Wonderland. After all, any place with disappearing cats that smile can’t be all bad right?

I’m doing a lot of going through the motions, and attempting to keep my head filled with so many random thoughts that I don’t have time to think about what really is happening deep within the recesses of my mind. The painful things. I know I need to, but right now I just can’t. I saw that last night. What I am finding out is that when I keep my mind busy like this that it is like taking diet supplements, because I tend to have to remind myself to eat at the proper times when I know I should be eating. I’ve also started back on the elliptical, which has done wonders with the anxiety I’ve been feeling. I just hope that some of this will begin to hurt a little less soon and that I won’t keep asking myself, what if?

Browser Wowser

Filed under: Techy — gardener @ 12:18 pm

I was curious what web browser most of you use? Currently, even though at this particular second I’m using IE, I have to say that my favorite is Safari, and since I can’t say that I’ve ever really used Firefox, I don’t have much of an opinion on it. I often wonder what other people use, and why, so inquiring minds want to know: What’s Your Favorite Browser and Why?

Then and Now- The Lightbulb Moment

Filed under: Food,Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 12:15 pm

For people who know me, this will not come as much of a surprise, but I actually spend a lot of time thinking about health, weight loss, fitness and doing the best for my body. There was a time when I was looking for a quick fix and if that meant thermogenic fat burner then that’s what it meant, but somewhere along the way, I had one of those lightbulb moments that Oprah talks about so often and I realized that it wasn’t the way to go.

There’s a story inside of me, and it wants to come out. I share bits and pieces here and there, but there’s so much more. I’ve only scratched the surface. What makes me different than anayone else? Not a thing. I’m human and have struggles just like the rest of us, but sometimes we have those lightbulb moments and we change the way we think.

What was your lightbulb moment?

Been Thinking- Scary I know

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 12:10 pm

A few days ago I talked about how all calories aren’t created equal and I actually mentioned that I may start sharing a few of the things that I’ve learned (and continue to learn) on this little journey of mine to better health and a fitter, stronger body. I’ve actually considered whipping up a blog that will be dedicated to that sort of thing, but then when I think about it I have to ask myself how I’d keep up with yet another blog. It isn’t like I don’t have my hands full all ready and I have plans with these that I haven’t yet implemented.

What I’d like to know, is who would be interested in this sort of thing. I would discuss things like colonix reviews and whether they actually help people, and things such as vitamins, nutrients, exercises and the list goes on. Oh, and let’s not forget food, lots of food and recipes.


Need a New Look

Filed under: Life,Techy,Things I Love — gardener @ 12:07 pm

You know, as much as I think this layout is adorable, and as much as I love the way it looks, I’ve been using it for a year now (hard to believe I’ve been here at my own house for a year) and I think it’s time for something new. I wish I had time to play with the CSS, HTML and the Photoshop in order to decorate all my homes (plus the one that still needs to be developed) but I just don’t have time.

If you know anyone who does a great job and can give me what I want for a decent price, please have them drop me a line here, because I really need something fresh, new and exciting. I have a few ideas, but need someone else to make the vision come to life.

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