Yesterday I received a package from my friend Sarah. I knew she was sending it, but I’d forgotten about it, so when it arrived it was a definate day brightener. It was a belated birthday and Christmas gift and the box was filled with goodies that I fell in love with. Something she sent that I’d never tried before is some Bath and Body Works hand soap with Orange Ginger scent. It is absolutely amazing. It’s still sitting here on my coffee table and I haven’t used it yet, but I keep opening the lid and taking a whiff. I love the combination of the two and it smells good enough to eat- although I’m not about to attempt that one.
September 1, 2010
Boys and their Toys
Two days ago, while I was laying on the couch, I saw that Marcel was looking online at ipods. I wasn’t really paying attention since I was in and out of sleep but later on that evening he told me that he was thinking it was time to get a new one. He’s has his current iPod for about 4 years now, and even though it doesn’t have the capacity of the newer ones; it still works perfectly. At the time I really didn’t have much to say, because I felt too bad to have any sort of discussion, but I suppose at some point he’s going to want to show me the one he wants. Something tells me it’s going to be one that plays video, but that’s just my guess. I’ll have to wait and see.
Fixing Whats Broke
I was thinking yesterday about how it is that I’ve been sick so many times this year (I think three) when there are other years that I have not been sick at all, aside from the general allergy and sinus problems that I always have. I really started thinking about my life this year and if there was anything ” I ” could have done differently and I have concluded that there are a couple of factors that have lowered my immune system- The first is the fact that I haven’t been exercising the way I should. Don’t get me wrong- I DO exercise, but I know I am not getting enough on a consistent basis. The second is the fact that this has been one of those years that has really played deeply on my emotions with the loss of so many people and so many others being very ill, plus some other struggles happening amongst people I love- it has taken a toll.
I really do believe this is the problem- now it’s time to fix it.
Slowly but Surely
Since I have been sick, I haven’t been spending much time online, but yesterday evening I finally decided that I really needed to catch up on a few things so I turned on my computer to see what I could get accomplished. One wouldn’t think that this whole flu- lung infection thing would really take it out of a person but it has and I’m still quite a ways from being where I should be. I have to remind myself to take it easy and not overdo, even if overdoing means spending too much time on the computer and not resting.
I did manage to get a few things done last night. I responded to a few emails, read some information on, and even managed to get a few blog entries written. This morning I’m going to attempt to do a little work, although I’m not sure how successful I’ll be- I’m going to try. After all, vacation time is still a few months away.