Since I know that my body really needs it and because I know I should be and really feel better when I do- I’ve been eating a lot better the last couple of days (since I got sick). I know there is probably some relation to the fact that my eating has been less than healthy (to say the least) and the fact that I keep getting sick, so I’m trying to turn that around.
I’ve also really been reading a lot about different health problems related to the ‘junk’ we (myself included) put in our bodies and I really know that it’s not the way I want to live my life. It doesn’t mean that I’ll never eat something rich and calorie laden again because I’d be lying to you and to myself to say that- but I think it’s time I start actually ‘thinking’ about my food again instead of being so unconscious in all that’s around me.
I ask myself time and time again- why we do this to ourselves.