Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

February 19, 2011


Filed under: Food for Thought,Inspiration,Life,Quotes- Soul Food — gardener @ 10:33 am

As I’ve gotten older (and I like to think wiser), I’ve realized the importance of forgiveness.   I also have noticed that those that fail to see the importance- those that carry around anger, hate, hurt and resentment of things that happened in the past, are in some ways still allowing that moment in time control their life.    I’ve also noticed that for some people, lack of forgivness has manifested like cancer in their lives and forgiveness is something they are incapable of.   They spend so much time thinking about how they have been wronged and victimized that they fail to recognize that they are the ones missing out.

Years ago Marcel and I had a conversation about how he couldn’t comprehend how I forgave me ex-husband for the things that he did to me.   He said they were inexcusable and I would agree, they were.  I explained to him that I didn’t do it for my ex, but instead, I did it for myself.   It was something that I carried around and it kept me from living in the ‘now’.

Several days ago I was watching Oprah and she said that the best meaning of forgiveness that she had ever heard was:

“Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different.”

I love quotations, so I wrote it down, but this stayed with me long after I finished watching the show.   After all, isn’t that what makes it so difficult for us to let go of the things that have happened to us- the fact that we ask ourselves a gazillion questions as to what we could have done to make things have a different outcome?   

Let it go- forgive- accept that is, is and nothing will ever change that.   Start living today!

Calgon- Take Me Away

Filed under: Life's Little Hiccups — gardener @ 10:30 am

I know that title is part of an old commercial, but right now that’s exactly how I feel. For someone who has had a pretty easy day so far, I’m actually feeling a little stressed. Marcel has to work tonight and has been sleeping, which means I have to keep all the 4-legged members of the family quiet. JJ hasn’t wanted to cooperate and once I got him quiet, Mister M. has decided to start meowing like crazy.

With days like today, the best supplements for weight loss isn’t working out, but chasing after the animals. I don’t know how people with children do it. As much as I would have loved children when I was younger and as much as I adore everyone elses little ones- it’s probably a good thing I never had any, for sanity’s sake.

Living Colorfully

Filed under: Life,Shop til ya Drop,Things I Love — gardener @ 10:20 am

Last weekend when we went to dinner with Hein and Desere for an early Valentine’s Day, belated anniversary dinner, I wore heels and red socks with my outfit. I had on black pants, a charcoal grey sweater with black shoes. My handbag, socks and scarf were crimson. Oh, and let’s not forget my lipstick- which was also crimson.

I have noticed that socks with heels are the big thing right now, and I figured I could either wear black socks and let them blend with the shoes and pants or I could be ‘bold’ and colorful and wear red. I chose to be bold and colorful and loved every second of it.

A few days ago I was browsing the Kate Spade website and I came across some adorable socks from their Spring collection. I want every pair and in fact, I may order them very soon. Ironically- their motto right now is ‘Live Colorfully’ and I think that suits me perfectly.

On Age and Wisdom

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Inspiration,Sands of Time — gardener @ 9:20 am

When I was around 20-21 years old, I remember thinking that I needed to lose weight. Granted, I didn’t ‘really’ need to lose weight, but somewhere I’d gotten this idea planted in my head. Back in the day- I didn’t think or know anything about ‘healthy eating’, so my solution was to take ephedra diet pills. Not only did it give me energy, it made me not even want to consider eating. Needless to say- I lost weight (even though I was already a size 8).

Here I am 20+ years later and several sizes larger than an 8 and learned that the best way to get where you want to go is to do the work, not by taking shortcuts. That can be said with diet and exercise, but also pretty much with everything else in life.

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