Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

March 22, 2011

Done! #64 on My List

Filed under: 101 in 1001 days — gardener @ 6:18 am

  Several days ago my friend Kimmie (who also has her own 101 in 1001 list said that I had already done #64 which is Influence a person to make their own Day Zero List.   I hadn’t even thought about her being inspired, since I saw us as doing the project together.   I still had plans to  mark it ‘Done’ on my list but hadn’t had the opportunity. 

My friend Maggie has also decided to add this to her ‘to do’ list, and since she’s also very creative- I’m looking forward to seeing what she comes up with.   I have to say- that I’m really enjoying the fact that this list is going to require me to do some thinking outside of the box, along with planning.  

This is a ‘fun’ project, but I also consider it a tool to help me grow as a human being.  I’m curious how my views will change (if at all) after completeing the 1001 things.

March 20, 2011

Say You Will.

Filed under: 101 in 1001 days — gardener @ 1:02 pm

Whew! I did it- Since I was home with a case of vertigo this weekend, I used my time wisely and finished compiling my list of 101 things to do in 1001 days. Some things will be easy to do and others- well not so easy. I love a good challenge and I also encourage y’all to join me on this journey by creating your own list.

Say you will!

March 19, 2011

Adios Winter

Filed under: Life,Sands of Time,Seasons — gardener @ 6:41 am

Today is the LAST (Yes, I said LAST) day of Winter and I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to kiss it goodbye for a while. I do love each season for the beauty that it possesses, but I’ve seen enough grey skies to last me a while (technically forever, but I guess a girl can’t have everything, can she?) and I’m ready to enjoy the sunshine. So much so, that I’m ready to pull out the Kindle and do some reading while soaking up a few rays and some much needed Vitamin D.

Good riddance winter and WELCOME SPRING!!!

What’s your favorite thing about Spring?

-New life
-More Blue skies
-Warmer temps
-Longer days.. and the list goes on and on…

March 17, 2011

101 in 1001 has Begun

Filed under: 101 in 1001 days,Health/ Fitness,Inspiration — gardener @ 7:07 am

My plan was to start the Day Zero project of 101 things in 1001 days on the first of April so that I could actually build up a list of 101 things before I started checking them out. Well, you know what they say about the best made plans. While I only have 30 something items on my ‘to do’ list, I’ve already completed one, so I decided to start writing now, since I want to write about the list as I complete items on it.

If you’re curious about what’s on my list so far- you’re welcome to check it out here. That’s my public profile which shows all the exciting things that I plan to do. Some are easy- and others are quite the challenge.

Now that I have all the logistics out of the way it’s time to get to the first ‘done’ item on my list.

Walk either to or from Bobbi’s house.
I checked this off my list yesterday, but I’m just getting around to writing about it.

Bobbi is my friend who lives in the town next to mine. Her house is a little over three miles (or around 5k), but in all the years we’ve been friends, I’ve never walked to or from her place. It isn’t that the distance is daunting to me- because it’s far from it. I added it to the list for several reasons: 1-Because I really wanted the exercise, 2- Because it was something I’d never done and I really had no reason as to why I hadn’t and 3- Because there’s a fairly remote stretch of road between our homes and I wanted to overcome any idea that I had that it may not be completely safe. It’s a great part of town, it’s just a little remote and not somewhere you see people walking. You see a lot of people biking and driving, but not walking.

Yesterday I visited Bobbi and left her house with the idea that I’d catch the train home. It isn’t far. When I got to the train station, I told myself not to be lazy- and to just ‘keep walking’, so I did just that. I didn’t have the right shoes on, and ended up with a pretty nasty blister in the process, but I did it. PLUS, I did it in UNDER the time that Google Maps told me that it would take to walk it- 49 minutes according to Google Maps and I did it in 45 (which included a stop to watch a lady train her dog to herd sheep).

Are any of you doing the 101 in 1001 challenge? If so, let me know so I can follow your progress. My friend Kimmie and I are doing it together, so we are challenging each other as to what we will put on our lists. It’s a fun project and you have 1001 days.

March 15, 2011

Coffee and Friends

Filed under: Gratitude,Home,Life — gardener @ 10:24 am

I was sleeping late this morning (due to the fact that it took me forever to fall asleep- partially in fact because I was watching a movie- The Reader) when my I heard the familiar ‘ding’ from my iPhone letting me know that I had a text. It was Desere, wanting to know if she could come over for coffee. I hadn’t talked to her in a few days and since I’m generally up for having people stop in for coffee any time, I told her to come on!

I pulled out my new coffee grinder and ground some of the Starbucks Casi Cielo beans that I have. Not only do I love the taste of freshly ground coffee, I also love the way it smells. Pure bliss! After a little walk with JJ and allowing him a little playtime with a Jack Russell, who seemed to have a crush on him- I brewed the coffee and waited.

We had quite a bit to talk about, so it was great to catch up. Right now- Marcel is doing the dishes, which allows me to catch up on my blogging. I have also started my list for 101 things in 1001 days- which I’ll be sharing when it’s complete. I should have it done for the April 1st kick-off and am already pretty sure what the first thing to check off the list will be- (More on that later).

I’m so grateful for the friends in my life- without them-my life would be not nearly as enriched.

March 14, 2011

New Project- 101 Things

Filed under: 101 in 1001 days,Food for Thought,Gratitude — gardener @ 12:21 pm

I recently came across the Day Zero Project where you can create a list of 101 things that you would like to do in 1001 days. I thought it sounded like an interesting project, so in the next few weeks I’ll be compiling my list and hopefully start checking things off that list as early as April.

I will be sharing the list, and then as I actually ‘do’ things on that list- I’ll share (hopefully with a picture) and more information about the actual ‘thing I’ve checked off’. I think it’s a fun project and also think it will be interesting to see how it all comes together. I would love for you to join me (and many others) in this journey. Please be sure to let me know if you do- so I can see what you’re 101 things are! Who knows- maybe we can cross a few things off our list together!

More on this coming very soon-

March 13, 2011

Potatoes are of the Devil

Filed under: Food,Life — gardener @ 10:34 am

I just ate a bowl of mashed potatoes with caramelized onions, steamed zucchini and a tiny piece of grilled chicken breast for dinner.   It’s suffice to say that most of the dinner consisted of the potatoes.  I love them and thought it would be my way of saying goodbye to them since I’m cutting them out of my life for a while starting tomorrow (because I can’t resist them).   That ‘goodbye’ has left me sluggish feeling and sleepy.   Can you say carb overload?  Ughhh- I knew bettter.   The devil made me do it… haha

March 12, 2011

Saturday Smiles

Filed under: Gratitude,Inspiration,Things I Love — gardener @ 7:34 am

After waking up to a cloudy morning- the sun has broken through and as I type this- is shining on my shoulders. It feels great. The slowly rising temps and the sunshine have really energized and inspired me the past few days and I feel better than I have in a long time and for that, I’m extremely grateful.

Before I head off to the bathtub, I thought I’d share 5 things that make me smile today. I’d also love to hear what is bringing a smile to your face today- and every day.

5 Things that Bring a Smile to My Face Today

  • The warmth of sunshine on my shoulders.
  • Movie night tonight with Desere.
  • Clothes on the clothes-line, blowing in the wind.
  • Leftover quiche for dinner, which means no cooking!
  • Sleeping late.

March 10, 2011

Time to Stop Talking

Filed under: Food for Thought,Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 10:27 am

I’ve been talking for a month now about starting my exercise program again, and what I’ve noticed is that I have a pattern of putting this off. I’m not sure why I don’t just ‘do it’, but instead find a reason why I don’t want or feel like exercising. I KNOW that I feel better and more energetic when I spend time working out and getting in some cardio time on the elliptical, but yet I find myself making excuse after excuse.

It’s time to stop talking and start doing. The road to progress begins with a single step- and it’s time I took it.


Filed under: Life — gardener @ 10:19 am

Earlier today I was chatting with my favorite (and only) brother on the phone when I received a message from Desere. She asked if she could stop by for coffee and even though today is a PJ kind of day- my answer was yes. She let me know she’d be here in a half hour and I finished talking to Matt and eventually said goodbye. He arrived at work and I had a few things I needed to get done before Desere arrived.

We talked about many things, but I asked about something that neither of us had thought about in a while. That part of the conversation was brief, but when she got home, she sent me a message asking if I had ESP. When I asked her why- she said she’d heard something about the very thing we’d mentioned in conversation. It was definitely ironic, and who knows- maybe a little ESP.

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