I love summer. In fact, I guess you could say that I love ALL seasons for all that they bring to the table, but more and more I’m finding that summer is ranking amongst my favorite times of the year.
You may wonder why- As those Spring days are leaning towards Summer, I’ve found that the baby ducklings are coming into their own, and it won’t be long before they leave the nest and go about their own lives. It’s the process of nature- and something about watching them grow from a duckling into a full-grown duck makes me smile.
Picnics- I haven’t been on one in ages- unless you count us eating dinner outside on days like today- but when I see dinner ware like the one to your left- how can you NOT want to go on a picnic? In fact- I’d rather eat on them all summer long- they are just THAT cute- If only there was a Pier One just around the corner- I’d be highly tempted. Then again- there’s always online shopping. They would be really cute for my end of July tapas get together with some of my favorite people.
Fruit- Is there anything not to like about summer fruits? BBQ’s and well- the list goes on- Time at the beach, longer daylight hours and of course- my birthday. (Didn’t think I’d leave that out did you?)
So tell me- What are your favorite things about summer?