Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

June 14, 2011

Dreamin’ of London

Filed under: Things I Love,Travel,World — gardener @ 8:02 am

It looks like in the very near future that I may be planning a little vacation for Marcel, my parents and I to visit London.   I have never been and it’s something that I’ve always wanted to do,so I’m getting a little excited about the possibilties.

I’m thinking that it may be more cost effective to rent an apartment for all of us to stay in for the week, but yet  at this point I’m not sure-   There is still so much to be decided.

At the top of the list of things I would personally like to see-   A show- (Wicked preferably),    Harrod’s Department store,  Buckingham Palace,  The London Eye,  London Bridge, Big Ben, and the list goes on.

Anyone have any ‘must see or do’ suggestions?

This Little Piggy- (101 in 1001 Days)

Filed under: 101 in 1001 days,Shop til ya Drop,Things I Love — gardener @ 5:03 am


One of the things on my 101 Things in 1001 Days List  was to Save 100 in 2 Euro coins.  I wasn’t sure how long it would take me to complete this task, but I figured since I saw it on someone elses list and since I do have access to 2 Euro coins- why not?

The piggy to your left is the pig I’ve been saving them in and a few days ago I decided to pull the plug on the bottom and see just how much I had saved.  Imagine my surprise when it was over 100.     Marcel wanted to know what I was going to do with it- and I told him that I was going to save it.    

I’ve since moved the 100 to another container and left the excess in the little plastic pig.    Since another item on my list is to save 1 dollar a day for the 1001 days- this gives me a good start.    Once I have another 100-  I’ll move it to the other container and so forth until the 1001 days are completed.  

Originally I had an idea that I’d use the money to buy something extravagant for myself- but I’ve since realized something else that I can much better plan to use the money for.    I can’t really talk about that right now- but I’ll get back to y’all on that when the time comes.   After all- it can’t happen until I’ve checked it off my list.

There are other things that I need to check off of my list- so expect to see more updates in the near future.

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