Today I spent several hours watching the final three Oprah Winfrey Shows back-to-back. I knew better. Since I was tearing up at the thought of them- I should have known that watching them was going to lead me into a fit of the ugly-cries, more than once. I was overwhelmed with love and admiration, but also inspiration.
I feel like I’ve been on an all-night crying binge and it pretty much wiped me out emotionally, but yet I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. I’d been doing a lot beforehand, but this really got the grey matter to working overtime.
For a while now- I’ve strived to be the best person that I can be. Today I realized that it’s more than I thought it was. What ‘it’ is- I’m not yet sure, but I’ll keep you posted as I begin this new journey.
And for you Miss Winfrey- I thank you for 25 years of service, love and dedication.