Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

August 24, 2011

Get Up and Go

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life,Life's Little Hiccups — gardener @ 9:01 am

There is this old saying that says- “My get up and go has got up and went.” I always thought that was funny until I realized recently that is exactly how I feel. I’ve actually given it quite a bit of thought as to why I seem to be so motivated for some things, and yet others (like exercise) seem to be like pulling teeth to get me motivated to do.

It finally hit me earlier today that I think the reason is because my mind has been so busy with constant thoughts that I really am tired mentally and it’s making me too tired to consider exercise. Ok- I do ‘consider’ it- but that’s about as far as it goes. I am going to try to figure out a way around this and adapt the catch phrase- ‘just do it’. If it works for Nike- it should work for me. I know I’ll feel much better- both mentally and physically and my body will thank me.

Now to put those words into practice.


Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 8:45 am

I’ve been trying to be somewhat more mindful of what I eat and how much I eat so that I can start shedding the rest of these pounds that I’ve been wrestling with for the past couple of years.    I know that my body is changing- that’s what the body does when it starts going through perimenopause and that coupled with this unsatiable sweet tooth that I seem to have is a combination for disaster if I don’t stay on my toes.

So- as I type this- I have boneless skinless chicken breast baking in the oven, some broccoli on the stove ready to steam and a few potatoes ready to be cooked.   I may have a few potatoes, but the bulk of my dinner is going to be broccoli and chicken.   

I will be the first to admit that lately I have been less than mindful about what I eat.  I do ok for a while, but my biggest problem is evening snacking-  It’s something I’ve struggled with for years- and something I may always struggle with if I don’t remain conscious in every choice that I make.

I have found that eating well and exercise are what I consider to be safe diet pills without actually having a pill formula. One thing is for sure- getting off track and out of the habit makes it very hard to start again. I’m getting there though- one baby step at a time.

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