Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

June 25, 2012

101 Things in 1001 Days (Number 14)

Filed under: 101 in 1001 days — gardener @ 10:12 am

I haven’t shared any ‘done’ items from my 101 things in 1001 days for quite some time- so I thought I’d share one while I was at it. I do see that I’ve still got a LOT of things left to ‘check off’ as done- but I’ve got a year and a half to do so- Will she do it? That remains to be seen.

Number 14 on my ‘to do’ list was to complete a Photo 365 project. That was one photo a day for a year- I completed it- back in April, but kept forgetting to share.

If you’d like to see ALL the photos- you can do so by visiting and then checking the category “Photo 365”.

I think I’d better go through my list- I’m sure there are other things I need to share in the near future.

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