Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

September 20, 2012

September 20, 2012- Gratitude List

Filed under: Food for Thought,Gratitude — gardener @ 12:34 pm

In spite of not sharing these here every single day- I do share my daily bits of gratitude on my Facebook status- and also to a gratitude group that I’m blessed enough to be a part of. I’ve noticed that since I’ve been more conscious about these things around me that I’m so grateful for- that more beautiful things are happening. Or- maybe they were happening all along, but I have a higher level of consciousness and I’m seeing more.

It doesn’t mean I don’t have bad days- because I most certainly do, but even in those dark moments- I still know that the sun will shine and that there is always a lesson to be learned and I just need to be open and willing enough to see it.

Gratitude List for September 20, 2012.
Today I’m Grateful for:

1. My diddy- who has taught me so much in life- and who is celebrating his 72nd birthday today. ♥ YOU!

2. Small victories- Once again proving that often times the only thing holding me back is me.

3. Late night fun and laughter tech iOS6 discussions.

4. Finding a running pace that I think will work for me.

5. Long-hot bubble baths in combination with cool Fall evenings.

Home Improvement Goal Setting

Filed under: Home — gardener @ 10:35 am

While Marcel and I were out walking today- we started discussing our goals for next year in terms of what we’d like to do in our home. We’ve been talking about how we would like to move- but with the market as it is- we’ve decided it would be better to do some improvements here and enjoy our space even more. One of those projects looks like it will include leather seat repair on an old chair that is in our storage shed. It’s an old family piece and I think Marcel would really like to have it displayed in the house again and personally, I think we can make it happen. In addition we plan to paint the walls (if we can agree on a color) and do some changes in the kitchen, which are needed for my business.

We have a few ideas, but first- we plan to get past our vacation and then start planning home improvements.

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