Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

May 30, 2013

This Too …

Filed under: Gratitude,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 11:03 am

I’ve been going through quite a bit emotionally lately- and quite honestly I had a moment where I wondered if things would ever change.   Marcel said that it isn’t like me to think so drastic and while he’s right- sometimes when everything hits at once it seems like it may not end.

But the old saying what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger is true.

Yesterday I woke up and it was as though a flip had switched and I felt completely different.    I no longer had the feeling of being overwhelmed with grief and sadness, but instead I felt like ‘me’ again.     I’m not one to run from things since I know it will only show up again down the road- so I’ve taken the time to ‘feel, deal and now ultimately heal’.

I feel great!  Carol’s birthday would have been two days ago and I thought about her and smiled.   I remembered all the wonderful times we had together and celebrated those memories.   I will always miss her- but I’m so grateful for the time we had together.

I have a gratitude app that I write my gratitudes in daily-(a recent thing) but I still want to share them here from time to time- if not daily.  I think it makes a difference to focus on the things in life that I’m grateful for-   and that isn’t always the happy, happy, joy, joy moments, but also the ones that make me sad, because even for those I’m grateful- for it is then when I learn the most.

Today’s bits of gratitude.

  • I’ve mentioned it a lot lately- but I’m so grateful for the people in my life that know me to the depths of my soul- who I am, what I stand for, and accept me for the person that I am.
  • For recommitting myself to good health both mentally and physically and all that it embodies.
  • People who continue to believe in and support my business.
  • Marcel and our relationship.   He is one of my biggest cheerleaders.
  • Vacation plans.

May 23, 2013

Warmth for the Soul

Filed under: Food,Gratitude,Life — gardener @ 9:54 am

The weather we are having here in the land of Never is definitely much more on the cooler side than it usually is this time of the  year..   I am not complaining, because I know that while the temperatures may be a little on the cooler side-   that there is always something worse.    Like the horrific tornado that went through Oklahoma leaving a path of devastation in its wake.    So you won’t hear me complaining about a little wind- rain and cool weather.  (Truth be told- I don’t mind cool weather at all.)

This afternoon-  I spent some time in quiet reflection and before I did I gathered some mint from my plant outside and brewed myself a cup of tea.   It was refreshing and delicious.  No honey, agave or any other sweetners, just pure mint.    It not only warmed the body- but also the soul.

Life is good.    I smile in amazement at all the wonderful blessings that surround me.   I have some of the most beautiful friends a person could want-  and I’m grateful.

May 20, 2013

Berry Good

Filed under: Food,Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 11:49 am

These days- I’m having a huge love affair with strawberries.  I’ve been eating them every single opportunity I have..  breakfast-   lunch- dinner-  snack.

This was breakfast a few days ago-   Fat-Free plain kwark (which has a higher protein content than regular yogurt- more along the lines of Greek yogurt values), some fresh strawberries and some museli.   Delicious!

Once the strawberries come in full season and are inexpensive-  I’ll stock up and freeze them- very much the same way that I do with blueberries (another favorite).

Today- I made strawberry cupcakes with strawberry Swiss Meringue buttercream for an order-   I didn’t try one, but man they smelled divine..  and since it’s strawberries- they have to be healthy, right?   I thought so too!

May 17, 2013

Growing Pains

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 11:31 am

I’ve been going through some difficulties this week-  as I had to make a decision that I did not make lightly, but one that for me, was necessary.   Sadly, sometimes decisions are not only difficult, but painful as well, so I’ve been taking some time to go through the emotions, deal with them, so that ultimately I can heal.     I’m not there yet, but I’m well on my way.

Even in the midst of a storm-  there is always something to be learned.   Sometimes it’s something about ourselves, and sometimes it’s about others.   Either way- we need to be open to the lesson.   This past week, I’ve learned lessons about myself and also about others and I am grateful for them all.

Life definitely did not come with a user guide- and it certainly isn’t always easy- but I read recently that if you don’t have struggles at some point in time- then you aren’t really living.   I agree.   With living- comes lessons and in order to grow-  that also means growing pains.  It’s up to us how we deal with them.

May 5, 2013

Tiptoe Through The Tulips-

Filed under: photography,Seasons,Things I Love,Travel — gardener @ 11:10 am

Earlier in the week- Marcel had a day free, and after having a pretty slotful day- we decided to set out on a quest to find some tulip fields.   It was time for my annual ‘tiptoe through the tulips’.   Since Old Man Winter was late arriving and lingered far longer than anyone expected-  the tulips are actually just starting to bloom.

As you can see, it was an absolutely gorgeous day- and we found fields of daffodils and hyacinths, but none of my beloved tulips.

Since then we’ve had more sunshine and great temperatures, so my hope is that we’ll find some time in our schedule this coming week to get out one evening after dinner and go for a drive.   Maybe then a little tiptoeing will be in order..

Until then- I’ll just enjoy the mild temps and gorgeous sunshine..

May 1, 2013

Happy May Day

Filed under: Food for Thought,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 4:27 am

This past month flew by with a blur. I’m still wondering how May arrived and I seemed to have missed part of April. I think it was all the cold weather and the thought that it may stay cold forever that had me wondering there for a while.

I’m excited though because SPRING is here- and in all its glory! Granted, it’s still a little chilly, but the sun is shining and everything is blooming- I’m feeling more energized than I’ve felt in a long time and that within itself makes me very happy! Maybe I’m more solar powered than I thought.

The winter months did give me a lot of time to think and put some plans into action for better utlizing my time. I can ‘talk’ about it all day- but talking and actually ‘doing’ are two completely different things. It’s time to stop talking and start doing. I know that within itself is going to make a huge difference in my productivity.

I found myself writing a schedule in April when I had a lot to accomplish and by doing so, my producitivity levels increased 100 fold. Clearly it works- so it’s time to start scheduling everything. Hey- I can’t argue with what works.

Happy Spring!

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