Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

May 21, 2014

Let the Planning Begin

Filed under: Travel — gardener @ 12:56 pm

Technically, the planning has already started, but now it’s ‘official’- I’ve started looking at plane tickets for our trip home this coming holiday season. Ironically, I’ve even started getting little notes here and there from people asking if we would please reserve some time for them, because they’d really love to see us- That alone makes me smile.

This is the time of the year when we usually book our flights. Generally there is a flight sale around Memorial Day, and with the price of airline tickets going up,up,up we need a discount. With that being said, discount or not, if all goes as planned, we’ll be booking our flights in the next few days- and heading home in time for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and of course, to ring in 2015.

Much to anticipate and look forward to. I’m ready!

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