Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

June 24, 2014


Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 11:07 am

I love when weeks are a great mix of work and pleasure. That’s what this and the coming weeks are full of- and that’s a lot of happy in my world. In spite of a health scare from someone I love back home- which landed said person in the Emergency Room of the local hospital a few nights ago- all is bliss in my world.

Marcel has stopped smoking and is doing amazing. Thus far he’s been a week smoke-free, and I’m so grateful he’s made this choice for his ultimate health, in addition to the amount of money it will save us annually. (Enough to take two small week vacations- yay!!) We’ve already decided to save the money and use it for a few localish trips. It’s like having free travel and who doesn’t love that?

I’ve also really been simplifying and streamlining many aspects of life. I’ve started going through my Facebook friends lists- when I have some time to do so- and deleting people that I don’t talk to on a regular or semi-regular basis. I know people tend to get touchy about these things- (something I don’t quite understand, but I don’t have to) but it’s not that I’m ‘mad’ at anyone or ‘dislike’ anyone, but it’s all about keeping things simple. It works for me, and I love it.

Life After Divorce

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 9:07 am

I saw on Facebook (that seems to be my only source of news) that friend of mine changed her name and ‘status’ to single. She had posted a few ‘vaguebook’ posts about relationships- and letting go, but I’m not one to ask people about their personal situations. I figure if they want to share, they will. (Unless it’s Samantha, and I’ll ask her. haha) Sadly, a few days later this person was asking if anyone knew of lawyers in raleigh nc and said she was about to embark on a divorce that was going to get nasty. I felt bad for her- but I do believe that some things shouldn’t be on Facebook, but that’s just me. I still haven’t reached out to her, but I do hope that someone was able to help her, and that things won’t be nearly as nasty as she anticipates. Sadly, sometimes divorce is the only way, but having been there- it’s definitely not the end of the world.

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