Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

February 22, 2015

New Weeks- New Opportunities

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 12:19 pm

I’m ‘finally’ starting to feel like I am on the other side of this flu I’ve been dealing with for almost a week. I am still tired, and still pretty much zilch on the energy scale, but the fever has broken, and that is something that has me doing a happy dance.

I was having a bit of a pity party earlier when I read a message from a friend, and it brought a huge smile to my face, and made me realize, yet again- that in everything there is a silver lining.

My plan is to rest for the upcoming several days- so that hopefully (fingers crossed) I can continue with the plans I have for the latter part of the week.

Each day arrives with a clean slate- new opportunities and endless possibilities. How are you going to make yours count?

February 21, 2015

Tending the Garden …

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 9:05 am

Life- It’s such a mystery at times, and others it isn’t. I’ve learned in life- (especially more so this past year) that when we are given something, be it information or a particular situation, it’s information. What we do with that information is up to us.

Relationships… Something I spent some time reflecting on when I was ‘home’ for the holidays, and even since I’ve returned home. Relationships that I would have once considered to be lost have resurfaced and are stronger than ever before- other relationships, the ones that are a rock in my life- continue to be so, and I think of them and remind myself just how blessed I am. I’m grateful.

There are others- where our lives have become two different roads, and while there is no malice- our lives continue down different paths, while we wish each other the best on the journey. I guess you could see it as two cars driving along-side each other on a highway, and one comes to a different road that will take them where they need to go, while the other continues straight. Both moving forward, but both on different journeys. Neither wrong, just different.

Those relationships are also something that I value in my garden of life- because regardless of where the path may take us- they have all been a gift and a lesson.

Our relationships are like flowers in a beautiful garden. What we nurture, will grow. What isn’t nurtured, will eventually wither away.

How are you tending your relationship gardens?

February 20, 2015


Filed under: Life — gardener @ 10:37 am

So much is happening- and in the midst of everything- I came down with a wild case of the flu- which has pretty much knocked me flat on my back. The perk to that is catching up on all my favorite TV shows and movies- plus the extra sleep, which has found me dreaming about things from exotic vacations to learning how to play digital pianos. I had to abandon my weekend plans to nurture myself and hopefully the fever will break soon and life will resume as normal, whatever that is.

I have so much to share- watch this space.

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