This afternoon I was thinking about the weekend I spent with some amazing women- the joy that I feel not only in their company, but in seeing them and everyone around me thrive in their lives- It is my wish for everyone- and I realized just how amazing the people are who I choose to surround myself with. There is no better feeling.
In the midst of this introspect- I posted this on my personal (and private) Facebook page. It’s a great way to start the new week.
When I think of the things that bring me the greatest joy in life- they are the ‘joy rising’ moments that rise up from the depth of your soul and bring tears to your eyes. It isn’t in pomp and circumstance or grand gesturing- it’s in being able to do something small to create a smile on someone else’s face, or make their life a little easier- in seeing others celebrate their life successes- and living their best life their way.
This life is so precious- Celebrate the people around you- embrace them, build them up – and encourage them to empower themselves. TELL THEM how much they matter. WE ALL Matter! BE the reason that someone smiles today.