Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

August 24, 2016

Whole 30 – Take Two and Going Strong

Filed under: Food,Health/ Fitness,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 1:19 pm

Since my last post- several weeks ago, Marcel and I have embarked on the Whole 30 adventure together.  It’s my second time and his first.    We started on the 15th, and while he wanted to give it up at around day four-   he decided in the end to stick with it and he’s doing great now.

It has been a lot more time consuming this time.   Mostly because with BOTH of us doing it-  it means a LOT more meal prep time since he can’t take his usual sandwich to work.  That means egg muffin cups for work- and omelettes for breakfast.  It’s time consuming, but definitely worth it.

Plus this week we’ve had some really warm weather and that meant me spending a LOT of time in the kitchen yesterday meal prepping for salads for the rest of the week.    The fridge is stuffed to the brim with various greens, bacon, turkey breast, roasted tomatoes, roasted zucchini and eggplant, grated carrots and beets, boiled eggs and the list goes ON..   It makes it so simple to toss together a salad of our choosing and it’s delicious!

I haven’t asked Marcel many questions on whether he feels like Whole 30 is changing how he feels, because I believe it’s too early to tell.    I’ll give it a few more weeks, or maybe he’ll discover it on his own.   I’m definitely having a little more energy than I was before, but still not at the tiger blood stage I got to at around week 2 before.   I am waking up earlier in the morning and feeling more rested- but not sure if that’s from Whole 30 or the warm weather.   Time will tell.

Have you tried the Whole 30 plan?  What were your thoughts?  I would love to hear your experience.

Learning is Growing

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 10:29 am

The other day I was out walking with the dog and passed a new construction site where they are building a new shopping center.   I noticed they were putting something in the ground and the person I was walking with informed me that they were using what looked to be soil gas probes. Since I had never heard of them, I inquired as to what it may mean. I actually started talking at first about how cool I think it is that they would be probing for natural gas sources before they build, but they informed me that it wasn’t exactly what they were doing, instead it was more likely testing for toxic gases in the area or maybe to see if there were any toxic oils or gases in the soil from gas leaks or any kind of other toxic spill.

Since it was something new to me, I paused and observed them for a little while, but couldn’t really see what they were doing. Since it was so close to the ground, I couldn’t really see anything, so I didn’t ‘learn’ much in terms of observation. I did find it interesting though that these things occur and apparently more often than I would have even guessed.

My next question is what do they do when they find something with the probes? That’s a question that I don’t have the answer to yet, but one thing is for certain, I do intend to find out. After all, to know me is to know that I am always curious about things happening around me and wanting to learn something new. Even though this may be something that I never encounter again, having the knowledge and little understanding will satisfy my curiosity and who knows, maybe one day it’s knowledge that I’ll be able to use for something else. One never really knows.

August 6, 2016

New Month- New Adventures

Filed under: Food,Gratitude,Home,Life — gardener @ 10:36 am

It is hard to believe that August is here and Marcel and I recently celebrated our 12 1/2 year anniversary.  I know, that is an odd anniversary to celebrate, but it’s traditional here-   I guess half way through to your 25th is worth celebrating.  Personally, I believe every day is worth celebrating, and I do celebrate every breath- even if some days I’m more focused on it than others.

IMG_7342One thing I did do this week was whip up some biscuits for Marcel.   Occasionally, I really crave a good buttermilk biscuit and Marcel is always game to eat them, as he loves them.    I had some good bacon, so I pre-measured everything the night before, had my butter grated and in the freezer, my dry ingredients measured and in the fridge.   The following morning I snuck out of bed and got everything mixed up and going before his feet ever hit the floor.   He isn’t one to like to ‘wait’ for breakfast, so I was glad  I could get it going before-hand.    He opted for no egg, and gobbled up two biscuits with ham.    I, on the other hand, made a meal out of what you see in the photo.  Add a cup of coffee (or two) and a huge bottle of water, and I was set.

Sometimes you just have to abandon the Greek yogurt and fruit for something a little more indulgent.   This was one of those days.

As this first week of August comes to an end, we are gearing up for a little travel.   A ‘break’ to get away from it all & I’m looking forward to seeing what adventures those few days bring.

This is going to be an amazing year.



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