Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

April 11, 2010

Lazy Sunday’s

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 6:55 am

I guess today has been what most people would consider a lazy Sunday.  Thanks  to Marcel going out with the dog this morning, I was able to sleep later than I have in a long time, plus spend the morning relaxing and catching up on a few little things around here.    In addition, I have been able to get my Bible Study lesson done for this week’s Bible study that’s held on Tuesday (we’re studying Daniel and I’m loving it), plus catch up on several emails with friends.

The sun has decided to play hide-n-seek today and in spite of much searching, he’s been unwilling to come out and play.   Even though it’s a little chilly out there, I think I may actually get out of my PJ’s (yes, I’ve been in them all day) and go outside and sort through some of the things that need to be kept or ditched for our terrace project.    Everything is coming together nicely, and Marcel has been sweet enough to offer to do the ‘dirty work’ (cleaning) this week while I’m working.  

Once we have all that done, I’m going to be planting some new flowers, plus a few new herbs for the herb garden.   I noticed that the celery leaves and the mint are already starting to come up, so there won’t be a need to replant those.

Marcel will go to his mom’s for Sunday dinner, and since I no longer go to his moms because of my cigarette allergies, I’ll be staying home and enjoying the silence.  It truly is a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

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