Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

August 11, 2010

30 Days- Day 11

Filed under: 30 Days To... — gardener @ 12:40 pm

Today is day 11 of 30 day’s of honesty and today has me writing about my siblings-   Since I only have one sibling, this should be easy- especially compared to someone who has maybe 5 or 6.  

Day  11-  Describe your siblings in great detail.

As I mentioned above- I have one sibling, a brother.   His name is Matt (short for Matthew) and is a little younger than me (almost 2 years to be exact).  That makes him 41 and me-  well, 29 and holding.     

My brother and I are very close and we have email or telephone contact several times a week.   He is many things all wrapped up in a very handsome package (runs in the genes) and probably what stands out the most to me about my brother is the fact that he is an awesome dad.    In fact, I’d say that he’s probably one of the best dad’s of people in his age range that I know.   I say that out of fact, not out of bias- because for the 10 years that he’s been a father, he’s done everything he can to make sure that he’s there to do all the things great dad’s do.    He doesn’t miss ball games, he encourages my nephew, teaches him about teamwork, about morals and values.  My brother is a Christian and has raised his son to know what being a Christian is all about. 

My brother is fun, a great friend and someone to have in your corner. He is honorable, full of integrity and a hard worker.   He isn’t perfect, but then again, who is?  I’m blessed to have such a great brother and love him dearly.

Growing up we drove our parents crazy with all the fighting we did, but I’m glad that once we got older we remained not only siblings, but became friends.


  1. I read something a long time ago that said that siblings that fight growing up are closer as adults. I think there is something to it… my brother and I did some heavy duty fighting and we are very close.

    Comment by Vivi — August 12, 2010 @ 5:37 am

  2. I think you are right- You and your brother sound like me and mine. We are now really close- and literally could strangle each other as kids lol

    Comment by gardener — August 12, 2010 @ 12:12 pm

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