I have several friends who have felt very alone lately and have retreated within themselves. One in particular that I’ve known most of my life is struggling and yet I can’t reach her. I’ve offered an ear, and yet no matter how much I encourage and try to share with her the value that she has as a human being simply because she’s alive- she doesn’t see it.
I know what it’s like to feel alone. There are times when I feel that way and honestly times when I would prefer to be alone. I need the balance. I adore people and love being around them but yet sometimes I need to spend time with myself and the thoughts that dwell within.
Another great friend that I know online wrote something that I read yesterday and I couldn’t help but smile. He’s an amazing writer and he wrote about how he’s sick of so many things. He put it all out there and he also wrote that he just needs to get it out, so that he can continue to move forward. That’s what I do. I’m a sensitive soul and sometimes things really bother me. I spew it to someone and then find a way to process and accept things for what they are and move forward. I’ve learned that moving backwards serves absolutely no purpose.
I’m not sure if the friends I mentioned read this. They could, but I don’t know. What I do know is that if I could use a magic wand and take their pains and struggles away I would, but it doesn’t work that way. I can be a friend. I can offer suggestions and even be there to listen, but to regain your self worth and see your true value to yourself and to others- you’re going to have to do the legwork. Just remember- in spite of what you may think. You are never alone.