I woke up this morning with a case of the sniffles. Thankfully, so far it hasn’t turned into anything other than a runny nose (not the first I’ve had this trip) and I hope that it doesn’t. We have a lot to do in the next week and a half that we have left and I can’t afford to be sick.
Thankfully we didn’t have much going on today so I’ve been able to rest and relax- although I did spend a little time outside cuddling with the kitties. They are about the cutest thing ever and bring me so much joy. I wish I could pack all three of them in my suitcase and take them home with me- although I somehow think Mister M. would protest. JJ, on the other hand would see it as three new playmates.
Fingers crossed for you
Comment by Maggie — January 11, 2011 @ 5:20 pm