Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

March 24, 2009

After The Rain

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 11:19 am

I had big plans this morning of getting out of bed with Marcel at 4:45 when he got ready for work, but  (You could feel that coming, couldn’t you?) after the storms we had last night, and finally falling asleep at around midnight, I just couldn’t seem to do it.   My plans were to get up early, so that I could get my work-out time on the elliptical before I went off to Bible Study, so I didn’t have to think about it once I got home, but truth was, sleep appealed to me more.   Two extra hours of sleep- it didn’t take me long to reset the alarm clock, roll over and snooze for those two hours.     My thought was that I didn’t have anything pressing going on this afternoon anyway, so I could work out when I got home, and that’s exactly what I did.    I’m sure my body is thanking me for the two extra hours of sleep-  I definitely needed them.

This morning, when I looked out the window to see if the rain was still falling, the first thing I saw in the sky was this amazing rainbow.   I don’t think I’ve ever started off the day by seeing a rainbow, but talk about a day brightener – first thing in the morning.  That’s what GREAT days are made of.

I did grab my camera and snap a few shots, and below is one of those.   I didn’t notice until I had uploaded the photos- but there was a very pale second rainbow out to the left of the other.  

Within five minutes the rainbow was completely gone, the sun faded behind the dark clouds, and the rain falling again.  

It reminded me that in order to appreciate the beauty of the rainbows, we must first endure the rain.  



My Gratitude List for March 24, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Rainbows.
  • Pure Joy.
  • Seeing Marcel smile when I bring him home unexpected goodies.
  • The rain stopping when I was out, so I didn’t have to walk in the rain.
  • Selflessness.

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