When I am trying to work, or am busy concentrating on something, I really hate to be disturbed. Granted, if the house is on fire, or if there is an emergency, that’s ok, but when someone knows that I have a deadline, or that I am busy reading lipofuze reviews or reading anything else, I honestly hate it when they just start chattering away with me as though they can’t see that I’m busy…especially if I’ve already told them I’m busy with something specific.
Now, with all that being said, I think I just hurt my darling husbands feelings because I’ve had to tell him three times that I’m busy, and he KNOWS I’m busy, but he wants to discuss what music to put on a cd to take with us on a road trip next week with Samantha.
Yes, I’m a little grumpy- but I blame the heat. After all, it was 84 degrees here today- that’s a heat wave for these parts.