Do you ever have certain things about seasons that bring you a great deal of joy? I have a few things with Fall and Winter weather. One of my favorite things about being ‘home’ for the holidays (outside of the obvious time with family and friends), is that I love the days when it’s really cold and we have clear blue skies. I love to take that time to sit outside with a huge cup of coffee and enjoy! It’s perfect.
Here, the weather is often very cold and dreary- which doesn’t give way to the same type of euphoric feeling that the blue skies give. I don’t know what it is- but the sunshine and blue skies combined with cold- is perfect!
I’ve been EXTREMELY grateful for the fact that despite missing being ‘home’ for the holidays, the weather has been absolutely perfect- embodying all the things I love and miss about being ‘home’ in the South this time of the year.
My question to you, dear reader- What things about the season bring you joy? Not the obvious things- but the little things. The things that often are taken for granted or go unnoticed?