I mentioned this little happening in one of my other journals, but I wanted to share it here as well, because it just is one of those things that I think everyone should think twice about. I know we’ve all been guilty of it at some point in our lives- making assumptions, but often times when we make assumptions we put ourselves out there to stick our foot in our mouth, pretty much the way someone did a few days ago when they asked me what weight loss supplements that I had used to lose the weight that I have lost. After they picked their jaw up off the floor when I told them I hadn’t used any, I followed it with telling them it was good ole’ fashioned exercise, and healthy eating. They were hoping for something ‘easier’ and I explained that there may be easier methods, but there was no magic pill to make it all go away for good.
So next time you begin to make an assumption, you may want to make sure you know what you’re talking about. Otherwise you may find yourself eating a foot sandwich for lunch.