Since it seems to be the topic of conversation today, I decided to share a little more about my journey. I realized today that I am close to being half way through my little 21 day sugar detox and I’ve done it without any thermotox or any other type of medication to help curb my appetite and cravings. Granted, it hasn’t been easy. Last night I felt like sugar was calling my name from the kitchen, but I managed to get past the overwhelming craving without giving in. I know I’m on the right path, and this weekend I’ll begin with the elliptical again.
Those of us who are on this journey do struggle from time to time. After all, we are human, but we have to keep moving forward, to reach our ultimate goals. I’m no superwoman- I’m just committed to myself, because I know I’m worth it. Do I falter? Of course I do, but I pick myself up, brush myself off, and move forward.